This section describes the configuration of the equivalent circuit as discussed in Section 3.5. The following keywords in the Contact section are available:
Thus, all capacitances, inductances, and resistances can be defined in the same way as the keyword Z0:
Device : DeviceDefaults { Phys { +Collector{ Contact{ Ohmic{ parL = 50 pH; parC = 75 fF; }}} +Emitter { Contact{ Ohmic{ parL = 1 pH; parC = 24 fF; }}} +Base { Contact{ Ohmic{ parL = 75 pH; parC = 150 fF; }}} } } Solve { calcTwoPortParameters = yes; port1 = "Base"; port2 = "Collector"; ground = "Emitter"; }
In the Solve section the configuration of the two-port circuit can be found. The two ports are connected to the base and collector terminal, respectively, and the ground is connected to the emitter terminal. By setting the calcTwoPortParameters to yes, the calculation is enabled.