This section demonstrates the selection of external solver modules and their respective solvers. For example, the parallelized direct solver of the PARDISO module can be selected as follows:
Num { externalSolver = yes; externalModule = "PARDISO"; externalType = "PARDISO_LU"; }
Analogously, the algebraic multi-level preconditioner in combination with BICGSTAB acceleration is activated by the following input-deck parameters:
Num { externalSolver = yes; externalModule = "SAMG"; externalType = "AMG_BICGSTAB"; }
To employ an external solver module, the keyword externalSolver has to be set to yes. In this case, the settings of directSolver and iterativeSolver are ignored. Two strings are available to select the module and the solver type, respectively. The case-insensitive selection is checked by the simulator and rejected in case of invalid settings. In Table A.2, the valid selections are summarized.