4.3.9 Simulator

As already indicated, the central simulator orchestrates the overall simulation, as is shown in Figure 4.15. Device objects are generated according to imported meshes, by performing optional mesh adaptation and doping interpolation steps provided by ViennaMesh and ViennaGrid. In case a device template is used, the ready-to-simulate device is merely accessed and forwarded to the simulation routine. This particular routine uses the stepper component to iteratively update boundary conditions and perform the problem-specific simulations.


Figure 4.15: The key steps (blue) of the simulator (dotted box) component are shown. Grey components are external tools. Externally provided meshes and doping profiles are processed and corresponding devices are generated. In case a device template is used, the device is merely generated and forwarded to the simulation routine, using the stepper component to iteratively update the boundary conditions and perform the problem-specific simulation.