Curriculum Vitae
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- August 31, 1962
- Born in Ostermiething, Austria,
son of Alois and Ida Wimmer
- September 1968
- Entered elementary school in Franking
- September 1972
- Entered secondary school in Lamprechtshausen
- September 1976
- Entered technical high school (HTBL) for
Electronics and Communication Engineering in Braunau
- June 1981
- Graduated with the ``Matura'' at the HTBL
Braunau (with honors)
- October 1981
- Enrolled in Electrical Engineering at the
University of Technology in Vienna
- June 1983
- Passed ``1. Diplomprüfung'' in Electrical
Engineering at University of Technology Vienna
(with honors)
- December 1987
- Received degree of ``Diplomingenieur'' in Industrial
Electronics and Control Theory from University of
Technology Vienna (with honors)
- March 1988
- Enrolled a full Ph.D. program at the
``Institut für Allgemeine
Elektrotechnik und Elektronik'',
Department for Computer Aided Design
- October 1988
- Changed to the Institute for Microelectronics,
continuing work towards the Ph.D. degree
- October 1992
- Compulsory military service (8 months)
Martin Stiftinger
Wed Oct 19 13:03:34 MET 1994