Publication Page Unavailable

    We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the unavailability of our publication page. We understand that accessing our content is important to you, and we regret any frustration this may have caused.

    At this time, our publication page is undergoing internal transitions, which are aimed at enhancing our services and providing an improved user experience. While the page is temporarily unavailable, we would like to direct you to an alternative resource where you can access our publications.

    Please visit the following link to access our publications:

    TU Wien - Institute for Microelectronics Publications

    This resource will provide you with the necessary information you are looking for.

    We appreciate your patience during this transition period. Rest assured that our team is working diligently to restore access to our publication page as soon as possible. We understand the value of the information we provide and are committed to resolving this issue promptly.

    Please accept our apologies once again, and we thank you for your understanding. If you have any urgent inquiries or require assistance, please feel free to reach out to our support team at

    Best regards,
    TU Wien - Institute for Microelectronics