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6.2 The NBTI Time Exponent
The degradation of transistors due to NBTI is often found to follow a power law
in time over a wide range of decades as
(6.1) |
where the threshold voltage shift
depends exponentially on the electric
field stress
and on the time
with an exponent
. The symbol
is a
pre-factor and
the reference electric field. The temperature
dependence is here modeled to follow Arrhenius' law,
with the activation energy
The exact physical mechanism for the threshold voltage degradation is still not
clear. Especially the introduction of the temperature dependence as Arrhenius'
law is debated [88].
The most important value researchers try to gain from analytic formalisms as
(6.1) is the capability to extrapolate the degradation for
longer times and/or lower stress fields. Here, the evaluation of the
parameters has to be as precise as possible. A small error in the time
, for example, can lead to under- or overestimation of the product
lifetime by several years.
Next: 6.3 Physical Mechanisms of
Up: 6. Negative Bias Temperature
Previous: 6.1 First Report of
R. Entner: Modeling and Simulation of Negative Bias Temperature Instability