The basic operating principle of an EEPROM has been presented by
KAHNG and SZE in 1967 at Bell
Laboratories [275]. The device consists of a control gate and a
floating gate on top of a conventional MOS transistor, see Fig. 5.25. A
thin tunnel dielectric separates the floating gate from the channel. It must
be thick enough to allow up to 10 writing and erasing cycles without
breakdown -- common thicknesses are 6-8nm. Applying a high positive voltage
(about 8-12V) on the control gate raises the potential of the floating gate
by capacitive coupling. The high electric field in the tunnel dielectric
V/m) leads to FOWLER-NORDHEIM tunneling of electrons from
the substrate to the floating gate. The charge on the floating gate changes
the threshold voltage of the underlying MOS transistor and is retained even if
the control gate voltage is removed. A retention time of 10 years is required
for consumer applications like memory cards. While EEPROM cells offer random
access for writing and erasing of individual bits, Flash cells can be
programmed selectively but erased only at once. This has the advantage of
lower cell size. Due to the high electric field in the dielectric, degradation
or even breakdown of the dielectric is a major concern. A comprehensive
survey of NVM technology is given in [276] and [277].
A. Gehring: Simulation of Tunneling in Semiconductor Devices