2.1 Historical Overview
The field-effect transistor (FET) was first proposed by LILIENFELD
in 1926 and patented in 1930 [1]. However, the practical
implementation was impossible due to material-related problems. On December
1947, BARDEEN and BRATTAIN, scientists
at AT&T Bell Labs who worked in the group of SHOCKLEY, discovered
the transistor effect [2,3,4], for which they
received the NOBEL prize in 1956. The first integrated circuit was
demonstrated by KILBY at Texas Instruments in 1959. In the same
year NOYCE and MOORE, who had been working with
SHOCKLEY, founded the company Fairchild Semiconductor, where they
introduced the first commercially used semiconductor transistors2.2. The first
field-effect transistor based on MOS technology was developed by
1960 [5]. MOORE, NOYCE, and GROVE
left Fairchild Semiconductor and founded the company Intel in 1968. Soon, this
company became the leading manufacturer of microprocessors. In 1965,
MOORE reckoned that the number of transistors per integrated
circuit approximately doubles every year, and he contributed this to three
main effects: improvements in lithography, increased chip size, and gain from
circuit and design innovation [6]. In 1975 he updated his statement
and predicted that the number of transistors doubles every eighteen months to
two years [7]. This statement has become widely known as
MOORE's law, and it became the main paradigm of the
microelectronics industry in the following decades.
The steady reduction of
MOSFET device dimensions and integration densities found a theoretical basis
in 1974 when DENNARD presented the constant-field scaling
law [8] according to which the device dimensions can be reduced
without altering the electrical characteristics if all dimensions, voltages,
and doping concentrations are scaled in such a way that the electric field in
the device remains constant. Hence, lengths and voltages are reduced by a
, while doping concentrations are increased by the same factor. This
is shown schematically in Fig. 2.2 for a scaling factor
[9]. BACCARANI et al. presented a generalized scaling
law [10] which takes into account that voltages cannot be
reduced by the same factor as lengths. Instead, if voltages are scaled with a
and lengths with a factor
, doping concentrations must be
scaled by
Figure 2.2:
Constant-field scaling of MOS devices.
In 1992, the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) published the National
Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (NTRS) which was later replaced by the
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS). This document
represents a collaborative effort to identify critical topics in semiconductor
development. Every two years, comprehensive forecasts of the main
technological parameters of semiconductor technology are published.
Two of
the most important parameters to quantify device scaling are the DRAM
(dynamical random-access memory) half pitch and the MPU (microprocessor unit)
half pitch, defined as half the spacing of two connecting metal lines. Another
important parameter is the gate length of MOSFETs
, where a distinction
between printed and physical gate length must be made. Table 2.1 shows
the predictions of the 2001 edition of the ITRS [11] compared with
the values of the 1999 and 1997 edition.
It can be seen that the predictions of each roadmap exceed the ones of the
predecessor, an observation which has been called roadmap acceleration:
While in 1997 the 70nm DRAM half-pitch was predicted for the year 2009, it
was predicted for 2008 in 1999, and the 2001 roadmap sees it in the year 2006.
Figure 2.3:
MOSFETs with 60 nm (left) and 10 nm
(right) gate length [12,13]. The gate dielectric thicknesses are
1.5 nm and 0.8 nm, respectively.
This continuous scaling has led to the development of transistors with gate
lengths as small as 60nm or even 10nm in experimental devices, as shown in
Fig. 2.3 [12,13]. However, major obstacles arise
when devices are scaled to such small dimensions.
A. Gehring: Simulation of Tunneling in Semiconductor Devices