... meaning2.1
In early times, the term 'computer' denoted a person who does computations.

... transistors2.2
The word transistor stems from transconductance varistor.

SIMÉON DENIS POISSON, French mathematician, 1781-1840.

LUDWIG BOLTZMANN, Austrian physicist, 1844-1906.

EUGENE PAUL WIGNER, Hungarian physicist, 1902-1995.


... prohibitive2.7
Suppose we are only interested in the static case, we still have 6 solution variables. Considering a coarse mesh of only 100 grid points in each direction, this would require to solve an equation system with $ 10^{12}$ unknowns, which is beyond any computational feasibility.

... function2.8
GEORGE GREEN, British mathematician, 1793-1841.

WILLIAM ROWAN HAMILTON, Irish Mathematician, 1805-1865.

JEAN BAPTISTE JOSEPH FOURIER, French mathematician, 1768-1830.

JOHANN CARL FRIEDRICH GAUSS, German mathematician, 1777-1855.

CHARLES HERMITE, French mathematician, 1822-1901.

JAMES CLERK MAXWELL, British physicist, 1831-1879.

ENRICO FERMI, Italian physicist, 1901-1954.

PAUL ADRIEN MAURICE DIRAC, British physicist, 1902-1984.

... results3.4
A simulator employing analytical non-parabolic bands was used for this simulation.

... regions3.5
In the stationary case, the quantum-mechanical current density (2.16) is, of course, equal in Region 1 and Region N, since the right hand side of (2.17) is zero. Considering only the incident wave in Region 1 and the transmitted wave in Region N allows to define a transmission coefficient $ TC\leq 1$.

MARCEL LOUIS BRILLOUIN, French physicist, 1854-1948.

GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY, British mathematician, 1801-1892.

... an3.8
JOSEF HOËNÉ DE WRONSKI, Polish mathematician, 1778-1853.

For free states, which is the kind of application investigated in Section 3.5.3, the transfer matrix is HERMITian:

$\displaystyle T_{11}$ $\displaystyle = T_{22}^\ast$    
$\displaystyle T_{12}$ $\displaystyle = T_{21}^\ast$    


Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Dutch physicist, 1853-1928.

SATYENDRA NATH BOSE, Indian physicist, 1894-1974.

ALBERT EINSTEIN, German physicist, 1879-1955.

FRIEDRICH WILHELM BESSEL, German mathematician, 1784-1846.

... distance4.1
Note that, especially in the three-dimensional version of MINIMOS-NT, there may be several boundaries with equal minimum distance. Furthermore, the boundaries with the minimum distance are not necessarily the boundaries with the highest tunnel current density. A manual specification of the boundaries may be necessary to avoid ambiguities.

Sir ISAAC NEWTON, English mathematician and physicist, 1643-1727.

... an4.3
CARL GUSTAV JACOB JACOBI, German mathematician, 1804-1851.

BROOK TAYLOR, British mathematician, 1685-1731.