D.3 Oxide Traps

Trapped charge in insulator segments can be simulated using the model oxideTrap which must be specified in the Phys section of the input deck. In the following example the oxide trap model is evaluated in the segment GateOxide for a concentration of negative traps of $ \ensuremath{N_\mathrm{T}}=1e19 cm-3$ at an energy level of 2eV below the conduction band edge in the dielectric and an occupancy of 0.1%. The model keywords are summarized in Table D.6.

        oxideTrap = "Pure";
              Nt        = 1e19 "cm^-3";  // trap concentration
              type      = "negative";    // charge state
              occupancy = 0.001;         // trap occupancy
              energy    = 2 "eV";        // trap energy level
        Contact { Ohmic { Ew = -0.5 eV; }} 
A charge state of $ -1$ ("negative"), 0 ("neutral"), and $ +1$ ("positive") can be chosen. The trap charge is self-consistently considered in the POISSON equation. The possible keyword values are shown in Table D.7.

Table D.6: OxideTrap model keywords.
Symbol Keyword Type Unit
$ \ensuremath{N_\mathrm{T}}$ Nt Quantity cm$ ^{-3}$
$ \ensuremath{f_\mathrm{T}}$ occupancy Real  
$ \ensuremath{{\mathcal{E}}_\mathrm{T}}$ energy Quantity eV

Table D.7: OxideTrap model trap charge state.
Keyword Type Values
type String "negative", "neutral", "positive"

A. Gehring: Simulation of Tunneling in Semiconductor Devices