If the keyword tat is set in the TsuEsaki tunneling model, an additional trap-assisted tunneling current is calculated. The oxideTrap model must be used to specify the trap properties. Input deck parameters of this model are the electron mass in the dielectric, the emitted phonon energy , and the Huang-Rhys factor which can be used as a fitting parameter. The following code shows an example input deck. The model keywords are listed in Table D.4.
Phys { tunnel = addNearestInterfaces("Device", "GateOxide"); +GateOxide { oxideTrap = "Pure"; OxideTrap { Pure { Nt = 1e19 "cm^-3"; // trap concentration type = "negative"; // charge state occupancy = 0.0; // trap occupancy energy = 3 "eV"; // trap energy level } } Electron { tunnel = "TsuEsaki"; Tunnel { TsuEsaki { direct = no; // consider direct tunneling tat = yes; // consider trap-assisted tunneling mOx = 0.5; // electron mass in the dielectric consistent = yes; // self-consistency tcType = "qtbm"; // "analyticalWKB,qtbm" dfType = "fermi"; // "general" dNrg = 10 "meV"; // energy step for integration huangRhys = 65; // for trap-assisted tunneling phononNrg = 0.03 "eV"; // for trap-assisted tunneling imageForce = no; // image force correction } } } } }
A. Gehring: Simulation of Tunneling in Semiconductor Devices