When implementing the analytical expressions for the distribution function and
the supply function into a device simulator it is necessary to assure
consistency: the carrier concentration defined by the analytical distribution
function must match the carrier concentration from the transport model
used. Therefore, the normalization prefactor has to be evaluated from
This equation can be transformed to spherical coordinates using
For a parabolic dispersion relation we have
which finally leads to
where the integration is performed from the conduction band edge
For a MAXWELLian or heated MAXWELLian distribution (expressions
(3.20) or (3.24)), the normalization
constant evaluates to
where is either the lattice temperature (for the assumption of a
MAXWELLian distribution) or the carrier temperature (for the assumption of a
heated MAXWELLian distribution). Using the non-MAXWELLian distribution
(3.27) the normalization constant evaluates to