2.5 Effective Rates into Single Traps
Up to this point, trapping has been defined for transitions from one band
state in the substrate into one trap state or vice versa. Each of the possible
transitions is associated with one rate entering the trapping dynamics. In order to
reduce the set of rate equations, compact analytical expressions for the overall
trapping rates into one defect are required. In this section, a derivation of the
sought expressions will be presented for the case of elastic as well as inelastic
2.5.1 Elastic Electron Tunneling
The derivation below follows the approach of Tewksbury [23] with some slight
modifications. For a proper description of charge trapping, Fermi’s golden rule is
taken as a starting point. This fundamental law (see Appendix A.1) gives the rate
for a transition between a certain initial and final state. In its most general form it
The subscripts and denote a trap or a band state, respectively, and
represents the tunneling matrix element. The -function indicates that the
electron energy before and after the transition must be conserved as it is
required for elastic tunneling. In semiconductor devices, the charge carriers
captured in the dielectric can originate from several different energy levels of the
substrate valence or conduction band. In order to account for their contribution
to the whole tunneling rate, the sum over all states has to be taken.
Here, and is the trap level and the electron energy in the substrate,
respectively. The subscript in equation (2.33) has been omitted since only
tunneling into and out of a certain trap is considered. The matrix element
involves the trap wavefunction, whose exact form is in general unknown. Often, the
calculation of the matrix element is simplified to a one-dimensional -type trap
potential. Its solution [23], consists of the factors and with Note that electron and hole tunneling proceed through an energy barrier formed by
the oxide conduction and valence band, respectively. The matrix elements for these
cases are labeled by ‘’ and ‘’, accordingly. The second factor
of the matrix element in equation (2.35) arises from the exponential decay of the
electron wavefunction, which can be derived using the WKB approximation. Since
this factor shows a dependence on the carrier kinetic energy
perpendicular to the interface, the summation over all band states must be split
into a one-dimensional and a two-dimensional part (see Appendix A.4):
In a factor of two has been introduced in order to account for spin
degeneracy. Note that the DOS has been derived based on the parabolic band
approximation, however, the potential well in the inversion layer gives rise to the
formation of subbands (see Section 2.1) and in consequence a different DOS. This
means that the equation (2.40) neglects quantization effects in the inversion
layer. Nevertheless, inserting the expression (2.40) into equation (2.34) yields
which can be simplified to The factor enters the above equation as a square, which corresponds
to a transmission coefficient of an electron through an energy barrier [126], and will
be referred to as the ‘WKB factor’ in the following.
In this derivation, the calculation of the matrix element has been reduced to a
one-dimensional problem in favor of a compact and analytical expression. In order to
correct for this approximation, the term must be introduced following
Freeman’s approach [103].
Keep in mind that these equations describe elastic tunneling, meaning that a trap
can only exchange charge carriers with those bound states, whose energy
coincides with the trap level — even though can have different components
. In this derivation, the cross-sections correspond to fitting parameters
but can be estimated by analytical expressions presented in [23]. Since the values
obtained by these expressions range around and are subject to small
variations, the cross-sections are assumed to be constant throughout this
2.5.2 Shockley-Read-Hall Theory
Compact expressions for inelastic transitions are provided by the framework of the
Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) theory [127]. It has been developed to describe
recombination centers in bulk but has also been extended for the case of electron or
hole trapping into dielectrics [128]. The following derivation of the SRH rates is
generalized to NMP transitions, presuming the case of hole trapping, and starts from
equation (2.27).
The trap and the band state involved in the NMP transition are labeled by the
subscripts and , respectively. denotes the thermodynamic trap level and
an arbitrary state in the valence band. Since the NMP theory assumes thermal
transitions, the energies of the states and may differ, meaning that the trap
can in principle exchange charge carriers with the entire valence band. In order
to account for this fact, a sum over all band states has to be carried out.
Employing to the parabolic band approximation (see Section A.45), the sum over all
band states can be approximated by an integral over the valence band DOS
, where can be identified with the energy of the valence band state
(see Appendix A.4). Using the expression (2.49), the transition rate can be rewritten as For a hole capture process, one must account for the joint probability that the trap
must be occupied by an electron while the band state with an energy is empty.
The first condition is considered by the trap occupancy . The second one can be
expressed by with being the Fermi-Dirac distribution With this joint probability, one obtains the rate equation for hole capture,
where the ‘minus’ sign on the right-hand side in the above equation reflects the fact
that the trap occupancy is decreased by a hole capture event. An analogous
argumentation for hole emission yields where equals the Fermi-Dirac distribution . Combining the rate
equations for hole capture (2.54) and emission (2.55) and using the shorthands
one obtains If thermal equilibrium is assumed [127], the trap level is occupied according to
the Fermi-Dirac statistics and detailed balance must be employed. Using the identity one obtains Inserting this result back into equation (2.59) yields The hole capture time constant can be expressed as where the first term on the right-hand side of the above equation is defined as
the product of a cross section and the thermal velocity . The
definition of the hole emission time constant follows from equation (2.64).
For the ratio of the time constants, one obtains the well-known relation
which is frequently invoked in the context of charge trapping — in particular for
NMP models [55, 121, 56, 124, 125]. Note that the quantity in equation
(2.65) contains the matrix element and the Frank-Condon factor .
The former is associated with an electron tunneling process and thus often
approximated by a WKB factor. The latter is strongly determined by the barrier
height of an NMP transition (see Section 2.4). This suggests that also the cross
section in the SRH theory should somehow reflect this barrier dependence.
For a hole capture process with (cf. Fig. 2.5), the barrier height can be
split into two components, namely and . The former is defined as
where and are the trap level and the valence band edge in the absence of
an electric field. The value of corresponds to minimal energy required for a
transition. The latter, that is , represents only the remainder to the overall
barrier . For the , the component vanishes and only
remains. Using the above definitions of the barriers, the cross section can be
written as where and denote a temperature-independent cross section and the
characteristic tunneling length. It is remarked at this point that the transition
barriers has been assumed to be independent of the energy of the holes.
Making use of
with and being the trap level in the flat band case and the effective
valence band weights, respectively, the rates (2.69) and (2.70) can be rewritten as
with The corresponding expression for electron trapping from the conduction band can be
derived in an analogous manner and reads with Finally, it should be mentioned that the conventional SRH theory as established
in [127] does not account for charge carrier tunneling and the possible presence of
thermal barriers.