Approximations to the Fermi Integrals and their Inverse:

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Approximations to the Fermi Integrals and their Inverse:

Fermi integrals and their inverse functions cannot be analytically presented in finite form, with exception of a few special cases. The approximation of these functions is covered rather extensively in literature. The approaches ranges from crude, but simple formulas with proper asymptotic behaviors [475][416], over the classical approximations reviewed in comprehensive work [35], to novel general expressions of very high accuracy [147][90][89].

Most of the published works on this subject are listed in the following table:

Several additional references may be found in these papers.

In calculations carried out in this work, we employed simple expressions

for and those proposed by Aymerich-Humet et al. in [18].

Nilsson's expression for [333]


We observed that these expressions are sufficiently accurate for all our applications, except for the calculations close to flat-band condition in the gate, where a better approximation for ought to be applied to calculate .

Martin Stiftinger
Sat Oct 15 22:05:10 MET 1994