A.1 OTF1

The simplest OTF model, in the following named OTF1, assumes θ  to be small, VD   to be small compared to VG   and V θ  , and μeff   as constant (β = 1  ) [3649]. Equation (A.1) then simplifies to

ID,lin = βVD (VG − Vθ).

With only Vθ  contributing to the total differential

         ∂ID,lin       ∂ID,lin      ∂ID,lin
dID,lin = -----dV θ + -----d β + ------dVG + ⋅⋅⋅
          ∂Vθ         ∂β         ∂VG

and by approximating ΔID,lin ≈ dID,lin   yields

         ∂ID,lin         ∂ID,lin
ΔID,lin =  ∂Vθ  ΔV θ = −  ∂VG  ΔV θ.
         ◟-◝◜-◞         ◟-◝◜-◞
          −βVD            gm

Equating (A.2) with (A.3) finally gives

    OTF,1    ΔID,lin              ΔID,lin
ΔV θ     ≈ − -------(VG − V θ) = −------.
              ID,lin                 gm

Note the similarity to (2.9) in (A.4). Hence, OTF1 only requires the determination ID,lin   during stress but neglects the mobility reduction described by β  and θ  .