2.1.1 Monitoring ID  at VTH

One way to assess the NBTI degradation has been suggested by Kaczer et al. [1718], who switch VG   close to the threshold voltage VTH   after stress and at the same time monitor the degraded and now recovering drain current ID   over time. By approximating the initial and the degraded ID(VG)  -curve with quadratic polynomials and assuming that the degradation does not change the form of the initial polynomial approximation, one obtains

                    AV 2TH,0 + BVTH,0 + C1  =   ID,0,             (2.1)
A(VTH,0 + ΔVTH ) + B (VTH,0 + ΔVTH )+ C2  =   ID,0.             (2.2)
Equating these two yields
AΔV TH + (2AVTH,0 + B )ΔVTH  + C◟2◝−◜-C1◞ = 0,

and solving the quadratic form of ΔVTH   leads to

                            ∘ -------------2----------
ΔVTH,12 = −-(2AVTH,0-+-B-)±---(2AVTH,0-+-B-)-+-4A-ΔID-.

Using (2.1) and adding ID   on both sides yields

− AV T2H,0 − BVTH,0 − C1 + ID = − ID,0 + ID .

Inserting (2.5) into (2.4) finally gives a formula which only depends on VTH,0   and ID   . The ΔVTH   -shift to the right, respectively the decreasing ΔID   is displayed in Fig. 2.1.

                          ∘ --2---------------
ΔVTH  =  − (2AVTH,0-+-B-)±--B--−-4AC1--+-4AID--


Figure 2.1: Schematic picture of an ID(VG )  -curve before and after stress. The resulting degradation is usually given in terms of ΔVTH   or ΔID   .

This measurement method is generally performed using standard off-the-shelf instruments. Due to the fact that this equipment is not targeted for time-critical measurements, the shortest achievable measurement delays tM   only reach down to about 1ms  .