6.3.2 Temperature Scaling

The temperature dependence of ΔID ∕ID,0   is displayed in Fig. 6.11 (top) for the thinnest device (tox = 1.8nm  ) with VG,str = − 2.25V  . In the range 25∘C  to 125∘C  , the data can be perfectly fit by a logarithmic time dependence (differences would not even be visible in the plots). A slight deviation is observed for higher temperatures for t  > 10ms
str  , possibly due to the onset of the mechanism responsible for the long-time power-law behavior with a larger power-law exponent n ≈ 0.12  . This might be due to the dependence of two compound power-laws which are discussed in literature [49]. Apart from that, different temperatures can be scaled well to the data at T ref = 175∘C  , as shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 6.11 (top), and the indicated scaling factors marked by arrows.


Figure 6.11: The temperature (  ∘
25 C  ,   ∘
75 C  ,    ∘
125 C  , and    ∘
175 C  ) and voltage dependence (− 1.75V  , − 2.00V  , − 2.25V  , and − 2.50V  ) of ΔID ∕ID,0   degradation. Scaling to the dotted lines works perfectly for various stress voltages at equal temperatures, while different temperatures lead to a small deviation for tstr > 10ms  . The scaling factors are also given.