7.4.1 Stress Time Component

First, the position of the curvature is characterized by τA   for PBTI and τB   for NBTI after Fig. 7.4. τA   and τB   obviously depend on the stress conditions, which is displayed in Fig. 7.6 in more detail. The longer the device is stressed for equal Eox   , the later the kink occurs. Interestingly the kink-time normalized to the stress time tstr   is roughly a constant, indicating a connection between t
 str   and the recovery behavior (cf. the universal recovery in Chapter 4.1). This is also schematically shown in Fig. 7.4, where increasing tstr   shifts the relaxation curve towards larger trel   .


Figure 7.6: As already shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 7.5, a longer stress increases the kink time τA   for PBTI or τB   for NBTI. Scaling τA   or τB   to tstr   reveals a proportionality of the kink time and tstr   . The extraction does not work properly with two kinks at τA   and τB   or without a kink, due to the glancing intersection of the fits, resulting in an ambiguous kink point. The positions for these special cases at t  = 100s
str  are indicated by dotted lines.