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Up: Dissertation Christian Hollauer
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Ch. Hollauer, H. Ceric, and S. Selberherr,
``Three-Dimensional Modeling of Thermal Oxidation of Silicon by Means of the Finite Element Method,'' in Proc. Industrial Simulation Conference (ISC), (Valencia, Spain), pp. 154-158, June 2003.
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Ch. Hollauer, H. Ceric, and S. Selberherr,
``Simulation of Thermal Oxidation: A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Approach,'' in
Proc. 33
European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), (Estoril, Portugal), pp. 383-386, September 2003.
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W. Wessner, Ch. Hollauer, A. Hössinger, and S. Selberherr,
``Anisotropic Laplace Refinement for Three-Dimensional Oxidation Simulation,''
in Proc. Int. Conference on the Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), (München, Germany), pp. 165-168, September 2004.
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S. Holzer, Ch. Hollauer, H. Ceric, S. Wagner, R. Entner, E. Langer, T. Grasser, and S. Selberherr,
``Three-Dimensional Transient Electro-Thermal Interconnect Simulation for Stress and Electromigration Analysis,'' in Proc. 8
Int. Conference on Modeling and Simulationof Microsystems, (Anaheim, USA), pp. 620-623, May 2005.
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S. Holzer, Ch. Hollauer, H. Ceric, S. Wagner, E. Langer, T. Grasser, and S. Selberherr,
``Transient Electro-Thermal Investigations of Interconnect Structures Exposed to Mechanical Stress'' in Proc. SPIE's 2
Int. Symposium on Microtechnologies for the New Millenium: VLSI Circuits and Systems II, (Sevilla, Spain), pp. 380-387, May 2005.
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Ch. Hollauer, S. Holzer, H. Ceric, S. Wagner, T. Grasser, and S. Selberherr,
``Investigation of Thermo-Mechanical Stress in Modern Interconnect Layouts,'' in Proc. 6
Int. Congress on Thermal Stresses, (Wien, Austria), pp. 637-640, May 2005.
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H. Ceric, V. Deshpande, Ch. Hollauer, S. Holzer, T. Grasser, and S. Selberherr,
``Comprehensive Analysis of Vacancy Dynamics Due to Electromigration,'' in Proc. 12
Int. Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA), (Singapore), pp. 100-103, June 2005.
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Ch. Hollauer, H. Ceric, and S. Selberherr,
``Three-Dimensional Simulation of Stress Dependent Thermal Oxidation,''
in Proc. Int. Conference on the Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), (Tokyo, Japan), pp. 183-186, September 2005.
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Ch. Hollauer, H. Ceric, and S. Selberherr,
``Three-Dimensional Simulation of Thermal Oxidation and the Influence of Stress,'' in Proc. 208
Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, (Los Angeles, USA), Paper-ID 734, 1 page, October 2005.
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Ch. Hollauer, H. Ceric, and S. Selberherr, ``Three-Dimensional Simulation of Thermal Oxidation and the Influence of Stress,'' in The Physics and Chemistry of SiO
and the Si-SiO
Interface - 5, (H. Z. Massoud, J. H Stathis, T. Hattori, D. Misra, and I. Baumvol, eds.), pp. 103-113, Pennington, NJ, USA: ECS Transactions, 2005.
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H. Ceric, R. Heinzl, Ch. Hollauer, T. Grasser, and S. Selberherr,
``Microstructure and Stress Aspects of Electromigration Modeling,''
in Stress-Induced Phenomena in Metallization,
(E. Zschech, Karen Maex, P. S. Ho, H. Kawasaki, and T. Nakamura, eds.), pp. 262-268, Melville, NY, USA: American Institute of Physics, 2006.
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S. Holzer, Ch. Hollauer, H. Ceric, M. Karner, T. Grasser, E. Langer, and S. Selberherr,
``Three-Dimensional Transient Interconnect Analysis With Regard to Mechanical Stress,'' in Proc. 13
Int. Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA), (Singapore), pp. 154-157, July 2006.
- 13
H. Ceric, Ch. Hollauer, and S. Selberherr,
``Simulation of Texture Development Caused Stress Build-Up in Electroplated Copper Lines,''
in Proc. 13
Int. Symposium on the Physical and Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits (IPFA), (Singapore), pp. 359-363, July 2006.
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H. Ceric, Ch. Hollauer, and S. Selberherr,
``Three-Dimensional Simulation of Intrinsic Stress Build-Up in Thin Films,''
in Proc. Int. Conference on the Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), (Monterey, USA), pp. 192-195, September 2006.
- 15
Ch. Hollauer, H. Ceric, and S. Selberherr,
``Modeling of Intrinsic Stress Effects in Deposited Thin Films,''
in Proc. XX Eurosensors, (Göteborg, Sweden), pp. 324-325, September 2006.
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Ch. Hollauer, H. Ceric, S. Selberherr, A. Witvrouw, and G. van Barel,
``Investigation of Intrinsic Stress Effects in Cantilever Structures,'' in Proc. 2
Annual IEEE Int. Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS), (Bangkok, Thailand), pp. 151-154, January 2007.
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Ch. Hollauer: Modeling of Thermal Oxidation and Stress Effects