Beside these optimization methods some others have been proven to be well
suited for device simulation purposes and have therefore also qualified for
optimization in general.
- The ``method of steepest descent'' [251,252] is a iterative
optimization method and uses the negative gradient of the function as search
direction and combine that with a line search algorithm. However, when the
condition number of the system matrix is large, the convergence speed is
drastically reduced.
- The ``conjugate gradient'' (CG) algorithm [219,253] is used to
optimize for instance the matrix function
, which is equivalent to solving
is a symmetric, positive definite system matrix. Other CG
variants are the``Biconjugate gradient'' method [254,255] and
``conjugate gradient squared'' method [256] were introduced to deal
with not symmetric or even with non-positive definite matrices
Stefan Holzer