The structure generation only through process simulation is often not necessary
because for certain problems, the exact geometry description is not required if
only intrinsic parameters of the devices are considered. Hence, to save CPU
time, the device structures can be built by an analytical description of the solid,
for examples by a particular sequence of layers with certain thicknesses or with a
graphical editor by drawing the device structure.
- LAYGRID [39] has been developed at the Institute for Microlelectronics and is a three-dimensional
device creation tool, which offers the possibilities to create
three-dimensional device structures by extrusion of layer defined either by polygons
or mask informations.
- VGMODELER [302] is a three-dimensional solid
modeling tool which has been developed at the Institute for Microlelectronics. This geometry tool
uses descriptions of solids and boolean operations to construct device
structures. The resulting geometry description conveniently allows to include
slanted walls and fully parameterized configuration descriptions.
- SSE [40] is graphical, three-dimensional solid modeler
from SYNOPSYS which allows to include mask layer definitions and to extrude
certain layers in the third dimension.
- CUTTER represents a suite of several shell scripts and software
tools from several software vendors as well as from the Institute for Microlelectronics. These
tools are necessary to cut two-dimensional slices from three-dimensional
simulation results to allow a better inspection and an automatic data
manipulation for simulation frameworks to automatically extract distributed
quantities at certain planes or positions. Most of these scripts are provided
with the distribution of the certain simulation tools and can be combined in
the optimization environment SIESTA.
Stefan Holzer