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Up: Dissertation Ling Li
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- 1.1. Two examples of use of OLEDs in commercial products. The image on the
left shows a new Philips shave introduced to the market in 2002. The image on
the right shows the OLED TV produced by Sony recently. Images were taken from
- 1.2. Charge transport mechanism in solids. The left image describes the
band transport. In a perfect crystal, depicted as a straight line, free
carriers are delocalized. There are always lattice vibrations that disrupt the
crystal symmetry. Carriers are scattered at these phonons, which limit the
carriers mobility. The image on the right describes hopping transport. If a
carrier is localized due to defects, disorder or selflocalization, the
lattice vibrations are essential for a carrier to move from one site to
another. The figure is from [8].
- 1.3. Left: device layout of a typical organic
light-emitting diode (OLED). It consists of a glass substrate with an
indium-tin-oxide (ITO) coating functioning as anode, a spin-coated layer of an
organic semiconductor as the active layer, and an evaporated metal
cathode. Right: working principle of an OLED. Four important processes are
shown: (1) Charge injection (2) Transport (3) Exciton formation (4)
Photon emission. The last two steps form the recombination process.
- 1.4. Left: A schematic view of a bottom contact OFET. The source electrode
is grounded, while the drain and the gate are biased negatively. In this
mode, holes are injected from the source and collected at the drain. Right: a
top contact OFET with the electrodes patterned on top of the organic semiconductor.
- 2.1. Comparison between the analytical model (2.9) and empirical model
for different temperature.
- 2.2. The mobility as a function of
for different
- 2.3. Fermi-energy as a function of the carrier occupation probability.
The symbols represent Fermi-Dirac and the solid lines Boltzmann represent
statistics. Panel (a) shows the case of carrier occupation between
and 1.
Panel (b) shows the case of carrier occupation bigger than
- 2.4. The calculated mobility versus carrier occupation at different
- 2.5. Comparison between calculation and typical experimental results
- 2.6. Plot of
at the electric field
- 2.7. Conductivity and mobility versus temperature for ZnPc as obtained from
the model (2.13) and (2.14) in comparison with experimental data (symbols).
- 2.8. Logarithm of the mobility versus
. The electric field is
- 2.9. The same data as in Fig 2.8 plotted versus
- 2.10. Plot of
- 2.11. Electric field dependence of the mobility at 290K. Symbols represent Monte Carlo
results [49], the line represents our work with parameter
- 2.12. Field dependence of the conductivity at different temperatures.
- 2.13. Temperature dependence of the conductivity at different electric fields.
- 2.14. The calculated mobility (symbols) as a function of
- 2.15. The calculated mobility (symbols) as a function of
- 2.16. The conductivity as a function of the scaled electric field,
- 2.17. Comparison between our mobility model and analytical expression (2.30) with
- 2.18. Temperature dependences of parameters
extracted from the analytical model.
- 2.19. Electric field dependence of parameter
extracted from the
analytical model.
- 2.20. Electric field dependence of parameter
extracted from the analytical model.
- 2.21. Effect of
on the values of parameters
from the analytical model.
- 3.1. Comparison between the model (3.8) and Baranovskii's model for the temperature
characteristics of
- 3.2. The transport energy versus the chemical potential for different
standard deviations
of the DOS.
- 3.3. The transport energy versus the relative carrier concentration for
different standard deviations
of the DOS.
- 3.4. Dependence of the relaxation time on the chemical potential for
different standard deviations
of the DOS .
- 3.5. Temperature dependence of the carrier mobility in organic
semiconductors. In (a) the data are plotted versus
, in (b) the same
data are plotted versus
- 3.6. Carrier concentration dependence of the mobility in organic semiconductors.
- 4.1. Temperature dependence of the conductivity in a disordered hopping
system at different doping concentrations.
- 4.2. Temperature dependence of the conductivity in an organic
semiconductor plotted as
. The dashed line is
to guide the eye.
- 4.3. Conductivity of doped ZnPc at various doping ratios as a function of
temperature. The lines represent the analytical model, experiments (symbols)
are from [63].
- 4.4. Conductivity as a function of the dopant
concentration with temperature as a parameter.
- 4.5. Conductivity of PPEEB films versus the dopant concentration. The line
represents the analytical model. Experiments (symbols) are from [139].
- 4.6. Conductivity as a function of the doping
ratio with temperature as a parameter.
- 4.7. Conductivity at T=200K as a function of the doping ratio. The dashed
line is to guide the eye.
- 4.8. Activation energy (
) as a function of the doping ratio.
- 4.9. Conductivity of an organic semiconductor versus
different trap concentrations.
- 4.10. Conductivity of an organic semiconductor versus
different trap concentrations.
- 4.11. Temperature dependence of the zero-field mobility for TTA doped
with DAT. Symbols represent experimental data from [99].
- 4.12. Conductivity of an organic semiconductor versus the width of
the trap distribution,
- 4.13. The dependence of the conductivity on the trap concentration.
- 4.14. The dependence of the conductivity on the Coulombic trap energy.
- 5.1. Dependence of the injection current on the
barrier height.
- 5.2. Temperature dependencies of the injection current.
- 5.3. Comparison between the model and
experimental data.
- 5.4. Comparison between injection currents for field dependent mobility
and constant mobility.
- 5.5. Field dependence of the net, injection, and backflow currents.
- 5.6. Relation between injection current and
- 5.7. Barrier height dependence of the injection current.
- 5.8. Comparison between calculation and experimental data at
- 6.1. Gaussian density of states with zero mean energy. The vertical axis corresponds to energy,
the horizontal axis reflects the site density. The center of the Gaussian DOS is
at zero energy.
- 6.2. Spatial distribution of the quasi Fermi energy for different current
- 6.3. Spatial distribution of the carrier concentration near the contact for
- 6.4. Spatial distribution of the electric field at different current
- 6.5. Current-voltage characteristics of a sample with Gaussian DOS
distribution parametric in temperature.
- 6.6. The effect of the field dependent mobility on the space charge
limited current.
- 6.7. The relation between organic layer thickness and space charge limited
- 7.1. Schematic structure of an organic thin film transistor.
- 7.2. Geometric definition.
- 7.3. The electrostatic surface potential as a function of gate voltage obtained
by the implicit relation (7.13) and the approximation (7.14) (solid line).
- 7.4. Sheet conductance from numerical calculation (symbols) and
the approximation.
- 7.5. Measured (symbols) and calculated transfer characteristics of a pentacence OTFT at
room temperature.
- 7.6. Measured (symbols) and calculated transfer characteristics of a pentacence OTFT at
different temperatures at
- 7.7. Measured (symbols) and calculated transfer characteristics of a PTV OTFT at
room temperature at
- 7.8. Modeled output characteristics of a pentacene OTFT.
- 7.9. Barrier height dependence of current/voltage characteristics for
unbipolar OLED.
- 7.10. Comparison between the model and experimental data for unbipolar OLED.
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Up: Dissertation Ling Li
Previous: 8.2 Future Work
Ling Li: Charge Transport in Organic Semiconductor Materials and Devices