Ae |
dimensionless coefficient for electrons |
Ai |
dimensionless coefficient for ions |
a |
localization radius |
Ea |
annihilation energy of the mth vacancy V o |
Ef |
threshold energy for the mth vacancy V o |
ΔE |
difference between the energies of an electron positioned at sites n and m |
ΔE′ |
difference in energy of an ion after and before hopping |
d |
x-dimension of system |
ℏ |
reduced Planck constant |
I |
current generated by hopping |
kB |
Boltzmann constant |
qe |
electron charge |
Rnm |
hopping distance for electrons |
T |
local temperature |
t |
the time spent for moving a single particle (electron or ion) |
U |
applied voltage |
Δx |
difference between the x coordinate of the sites (vacancies) m and n |
α |
coefficients of the boundary conditions on the cathode |
β |
coefficients of the boundary conditions on the anode |
Γnm |
hopping rates from site n to site m for electrons |
Γ0miC |
hopping rates from an electrode site 0 to an oxygen vacancy m |
Γm0oC |
hopping rates from an oxygen vacancy m to an electrode site 0 |
Γ(2N)miA |
hopping rates from an electrode site 2N to an oxygen vacancy m |
Γm(2N)oA |
hopping rates from an oxygen vacancy m to an electrode site 2N |
Γn′ |
hopping rates for ions |
Eb |
energy barrier that separates the two magnetization state |
e |
electron charge |
Acs |
cross-section area of the free layer |
HK |
effective anisotropy field |
HKin-plane |
effective anisotropy field for in-plane MTJ |
HKperp |
effective anisotropy field for perpendicular MTJ |
ℏ |
reduced Planck constant |
Ic |
switching (critical) current |
Icin-plane |
critical currents for in-plane MTJ |
Icperp |
critical currents for perpendicular MTJ |
kB |
Boltzmann constant |
MS |
saturation magnetization of the free layer |
resistances in HRS and LRS, respectively |
T |
temperature |
V |
volume of the free layer |
α |
Gilbert damping parameter |
Δ |
thermal stability factor |
Δin-plane |
thermal stability factor for in-plane MTJ |
Δperp |
thermal stability factor for perpendicular MTJ |
η |
polarizing factor |
μ0 |
magnetic constant |
ρAP ,ρP |
resistivities in HRS and LRS, respectively |
σAP ,σP |
conductivities in HRS and LRS, respectively |
A |
material exchange constant |
a(j) |
time-dependent current-proportional function for the in-plane torque |
b(j) |
time-dependent current-proportional function for the perpendicular torque |
d |
thickness of the free layer |
Eani |
magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy |
Ecurrent |
energy associated with Ampere field |
Edemag |
demagnetization energy |
Eexch |
exchange energy |
Eext |
energy associated with external magnetic field |
Ems |
energy associated with magnetostatic coupling between the reference layer and the free layer |
Eth |
energy thermal field |
e |
electron charge |
g |
g-factor |
g(Θ) |
Slonczewski’s expression for spin-torque |
Hani |
magnetocrystalline anisotropy field |
Hcurrent |
Ampere field |
Hdemag |
demagnetization field |
Heff |
effective magnetic field |
Hexch |
exchange field |
Hext |
external magnetic field |
Hms |
magnetostatic coupling between the reference layer and the free layer |
Hth |
thermal field |
ℏ |
reduced Planck constant |
J |
current density vector |
j |
current density |
K1,K2 |
material anisotropy coefficient |
M |
magnetization of the free layer |
MS |
saturation magnetization of the free layer |
MSp |
saturation magnetization of the reference layer |
m |
magnetization unit vector of the free layer |
me |
electron mass |
mx,my,mz |
projection of m on x, y, and z axes, respectively |
p |
magnetization unit vector of the reference layer |
T |
temperature |
V |
volume of the free layer |
α |
Gilbert damping parameter |
β |
coefficient of the perpendicular torque |
γ |
gyromagnetic ratio |
δ |
Dirac delta function |
ε |
energy density |
η |
polarizing factor |
Θ |
angle between direction of magnetization of the free and fixed layer |
λ |
phenomenological damping parameter |
μ0 |
magnetic constant |
μB |
Bohr magneton |
ρ |
volume magnetic charge |
σ |
surface magnetic charge |
τ |
spin transfer torque term |
Φd |
scalar potential of the stray field |
A |
material exchange constant |
Eani(i,j,k) |
magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy of the cell (i,j,k) |
Ecell(i,j,k) |
full energy of the cell (i,j,k) |
Ecurrent(i,j,k) |
energy of the cell (i,j,k) associated with Ampere field |
Edemag(i,j,k) |
demagnetization energy of the cell (i,j,k) |
Eexch(i,j,k) |
exchange energy of the cell (i,j,k) |
Eext(i,j,k) |
energy of the cell (i,j,k) associated with external magnetic field |
Ems(i,j,k) |
energy associated with magnetostatic coupling between the reference layer and the cell (i,j,k) |
Eth(i,j,k) |
energy of the cell (i,j,k) associated with thermal field |
Etot |
total energy of the free layer |
Hani(i,j,k) |
magnetocrystalline anisotropy field of the cell (i,j,k) |
Hcurrent(i,j,k) |
Ampere field of the cell (i,j,k) |
Hdemag(i,j,k) |
demagnetization field of the cell (i,j,k) |
Heff(i,j,k) |
effective magnetic field of the cell (i,j,k) |
Hexch(i,j,k) |
exchange field of the cell (i,j,k) |
Hext(i,j,k) |
external magnetic field influences on the cell (i,j,k) |
Hms(i,j,k) |
magnetostatic coupling between the reference layer and the cell (i,j,k) |
Hth(i,j,k) |
thermal field influences on the cell (i,j,k) |
J(i,j,k) |
current density vector, current flows through the cell (i,j,k) |
K1,K2 |
material anisotropy coefficient |
kB |
Boltzmann constant |
M |
magnetization of the free layer |
MS |
saturation magnetization of the free layer |
MSp |
saturation magnetization of the reference layer |
m(i,j,k) |
magnetization unit vector of the cell (i,j,k) |
mx, my, mz |
projection of m on x, y, and z axes, respectively |
Nx, Ny, Nx |
grid dimension in x, y, z direction, respectively |
p |
magnetization unit vector of the reference layer |
T |
temperature |
Δt |
time step |
ΔV |
volume of the cell |
Δx, Δy, Δz |
x, y, z dimensions of the cell |
μ0 |
magnetic constant |
σ(i,j,k) |
Gaussian random uncorrelated function with standard deviation equal 1 |