In the following, the results for the test cases in Chapter 3 are provided for various resolutions.
Figure A.5: Extracted material regions for resolution at
, and
. Regions thinner than one grid cell potentially vanish during the Boolean operations between the level-sets,
which is visible in (c) and (d) near the edge of the crater in the blue material. The same results for
are provided in Figures A.6
and A.7.
Figure A.8: Material regions of the simple Bosch process test case for resolution . (a)-(e):
Material regions after each of the first 5 processing steps, i.e., alternating deposition and etching steps. (f): Final material regions after 20 cycles. (g):
Final material layers after 20 cycles. The same results for lower resolutions
, and
are provided in Figures A.9-