In this section, the coupling of the electrons with acoustic phonons is analyzed. Displacement of the atoms from their lattice sites are induced by crystal vibrations, which induces a modification of the bandstructure. For electrons in the conduction band, the variation of the conduction band edge Ec can be induced by acoustic phonons and the corresponding interaction Hamiltonian Ĥe-phAC is given by
| (5.19) |
For small displacements δEc can be written as
| (5.20) |
where Ξac denotes the acoustic deformation potential and δV is the variation of the crystal volume V . The local variation of the volume results from the lattice displacement U = x′- x. The volume of a cube generated by the orthogonal vectors a = (δx,0,0), b = (0,δy,0) and c = (0,0,δz), is given by
| (5.21) |
The cube is distorted according to the transformations
and the new volume can be written as
| (5.22) |
| (5.23) |
where the lattice displacement is given by [85]
| (5.24) |
the interaction Hamiltonian reads
| (5.26) |
The electron scattering rate with the assistance of acoustic phonons can be written in the following form [87] (see Appendix B.2)
| (5.27) |
where Eac is the acoustic deformation potential, ρ is the density of the material, and vs stands for the sound velocity. This equation is only valid for ℏωq ≪ kBT, i.e. when the thermal energy is much larger than the energy of the phonon involved in the transition, and in the elastic approximation limit ℏωq → 0 (see Appendix B.2).