We consider the time evolution of the GREEN's function under the action of the
time-independent HAMILTONian
and the
time-dependent external perturbation
. The latter is included through
the evolution operator
where the abbreviation
is used. To obtain the
equation of motion, one can take the derivative of the GREEN's function with
respect to time
The first contribution results from
(see Section 3.7.1). Because of the anti-commutation relation of the field operators it
can be reduced to
. The
equation of motion for the field operator,
has been used in the second term, and the third contribution results from
. Inserting the commutator with the
HAMILTONian, one obtains
where the two-particle GREEN's function is defined by
To evaluate the two-particle GREEN's functions, one can express it as products
of single-particle GREEN's functions , yielding an infinite
perturbation expansion [203,282,205]. This can
be accomplished by utilizing the GREEN's functions as generating functional.
The two-particle GREEN's function can be expressed by means of functional
derivatives of the single-particle GREEN's functions with respect to the
external potential. Based on the variational method, the electron-electron and
electron-phonon self-energies are derived next.