The surface attack of neutrals is of chemical nature. It is similar to wet etching and represents an isotropic contribution to the etch rate. The distributions of neutrals can be described with cosine or sub-cosine functions, since the chargeless neutral particles experience no acceleration in electric fields.
A different situation is given for ions. Due to their charge they become
accelerated in an electric field. This results in two effects. The first one is
a strong directionality of their distributions, which can be described by a
Gaussian distribution
According to the basic derivations from Section 6.1.4 and the above
considerations the rate equation sums up to
It is beyond the scope of this illustrative example to derive a complete hierarchy of models for the great variety of plasma assisted etching processes applied in semiconductor manufacturing. In addition, the lack of comprehensive experimental data would make this task an academic exercise with restricted applicability. Nevertheless, since the assignment of the parameters of the model allows a flexible transition from chemically to physically driven process conditions, the applications of the proposed approach range from plasma enhanced chemical dry etching processes to reactive ion etching (RIE) processes with predominant physical etching. With the assessment and the calibration of the model parameters the reactive ion etching model can be applied to processes for spacer formation, trench capacitors for DRAM cells, and trenches for shallow trench isolations.
Fig. 6.13 shows the simulation result for two STI structures with different
trench widths. The distribution for the neutrals was set to
, with
. (6.13) with a
standard deviation of
was chosen for the distribution of
ions. A moderate ion enhancement factor
was assumed. The etch
rate for the silicon substrate was 4nm/min and the etching time was
400s. The etch rate of the mask was set to 0 assuming a very high
selectivity between the silicon substrate and the resist polymer, which leads to
a negligible etch attack of the mask.
The width of the mask opening for the wider trench is 0.4, following
rather conservative design rules, for the narrower trench it was set to
. For the same process conditions and the same etching time, the
etching depth for the wider trench is significantly higher than for the
trench. This is due to the aperture effect, where the wider mask
opening allows a higher amount of incident particles, provoking the stronger
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