In Fig. 4.5 measured S-parameters of a 240m HEMT are shown for a frequency range from 2 GHz to 120 GHz. Using the device simulator MINIMOS-NT S-parameters are simulated. As seen good agreement is found in the simulation based on a deembedding concept of the parasitic elements presented in this chapter: The results are obtained using a transient simulation with a bias variation on drain and gate with a small-signal amplitude of 10 mV for a given DC bias [160]. The intrinsic Y- and thus S-parameters are obtained at a frequency of typically 5 GHz and converted towards extrinsic elements within the extraction program PARAS (PARAmeter extraction from physical Simulation) using measured parasitic elements and the simulation specific reference planes defined in the previous section using relations from [36]. The extraction is based on the standard circuits from Fig. 4.1, which uses the equivalence of the eight intrinsic small-signal elements and the eight parameters supplied by four complex Y- or S-parameters, respectively.