As in the two-drain MAGFET analysis, the three-drain MAGFET has the same geometric parameters that play an important role in the relative sensitivity. However, extra parameters can be identified. For example, it is quite clear that the distance between the drains can be independently modified but this will lead to an undesirable offset, because the currents at the lateral drains will not be equal.
Figure 5.12 shows simulations results for the relative sensitivity
at different drain distances and temperatures. The simulated three-drain
MAGFET has a width of 80 m and a length of 125
m. The drains are
set to 1.0 V, the gate to 4.95 V, and the source and substrate to 0.0 V.
The magnetic field is set to -50 mT. A maximum relative sensitivity of
4.32 % T
and 11.10 % T
can be seen for a distance between
drains of 4
m at both 300 K and 77 K, where the drains almost share equally the
total drain current. As the distance between the drains increases, the total
drain current is equally shared by the drains.
Figure 5.13 shows the simulation results for the relative sensitivity at
different lengths and temperatures. The simulated three-drain MAGFET has a width
of 80 m and a distance between drains of 10
m. The drains are
set to 1.0 V, the gate to 4.95 V, and the source and substrate
to 0.0 V. The magnetic field is set to -50 mT. As predicted by (4.2),
the relative sensitivity increases from 2.75 % T
to 4.08 % T
300 K, and from 6.75 % T
to 9.18 % T
at 77 K. However, in
absolute terms, this improvement is not as high as in the two-drain MAGFET
analysis, even at 77 K.
Figure 5.14 shows the simulation results for the relative sensitivity
at different widths. The simulated three-drain MAGFET has a length of 125 m
and a distance between drains of 10
m. The drains are set to 1.0 V,
the gate to 4.95 V, and the source and substrate to 0.0 V. The magnetic
field is set to -50 mT. As in the two-drain MAGFET analysis, a maximum in the relative
sensitivity can be seen at both, 300 K and 77 K. At 300 K, the maximum
is of 4.19 % T
for a device width of 125
m, and at 77 K,
the maximum is of 11.54 % T
for a device width of 155
Figure 5.15 shows the simulations results for the relative sensitivity
at different sizes of the central drain. The simulated three-drain MAGFET has a length
of 125 m, a width of 80
m, and a distance between drains of 10
m. The
drains are set to 1.0 V, the gate to 4.95 V, and the source and substrate to 0.0 V.
The magnetic field is set to -50 mT. A tendency cannot be stated unless the magnitude
of the drain currents for the zero magnetic field are analyzed. For a central drain
size of 12
m, a maximum in the relative sensitivity of 4.56 % T
at 300 K
and 13.00 % T
at 77 K can be observed. The magnitude of the central drain
current is almost the half of the lateral drain currents:
A at 300 K, and
at 77 K (See also Figure 5.16).
Rodrigo Torres 2003-03-26