The investigated
SiGe-HBT device structure is
obtained by process simulation [110], see Figure 6.4.
For DC simulations usually only the active part (base and emitter area,
collector contact moved to the bottom) of the device is required. For that
reason the collector area was cut to speed-up the simulations. Only half of the
real structure was simulated because of symmetry. The upper figure in
Figure 6.7 shows a comparison of simulated and measured forward
Gummel plots at
![]() |
For AC simulations, however, it is absolutely necessary to take the complete
device structure into account. Otherwise, the simulation of the reduced device
structure cannot reproduce the important capacitances between collector and
as well as between base and collector
. In addition, the correct base and collector resistances are
missing. There are two possibilities to overcome this problem. Either the
missing parts are approximated by introducing linear elements in a
post-processing step or a larger or even complete structure is used for AC
simulations. The first option allows faster simulations but gives approximated
results. The second one produces more accurate results and does not require a
post-processing step, but takes much more time: in the example the
computational effort of device simulation is 2.5 times higher.
In Figure 6.6 both options are compared: in the frequency range
between 50MHz and 31
GHz measured and simulated S-parameters at
V and current densities
are shown in the
frequency range between 50
MHz and 31
GHz. For the first option the
device structure is embedded in a circuit containing the following elements:
. Their values were
experimentally estimated. The results of the second option are the intrinsic
parameters only.
For the same device the matched gain
and the short-circuit current gain
is calculated in order to extract the figures of merit cut-off
and the maximum oscillation frequency
found at the
intersection with the
dB line (unity gain point). 6.7 shows
the comparison of the simulation results and the corresponding measurement
data. While the measurement data ends at
GHz the simulation could be
extended to frequencies beyond this intersection. Note that the peak
the left figure of Figure 6.7 corresponds exactly to the frequency at the
respective intersection in the right figure.
Figure 6.7 shows also the effect of the introduction of an anisotropic electron mobility [160]. In addition, results obtained by the commercial device simulator DESSIS [111] using default models and parameters are included for comparison. The agreement in order of the typical curve characteristics with measured and transformed data proves the efficiency of the approach. In addition, the performance speed-up in comparison to alternatives is an important advantage. However, a general approach to match simulated results and measured data perfectly has to comprise a proper physical modeling of the complete device since there are no extrinsic fitting parameters available.
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