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An entirely classical model for electron-electron interaction is based on the
capacitive charging energy. The interaction
arises from the
fact, that for every additional charge dq which is transported to a
conductor, work has to be done against the field of already present
charges residing on the conductor. Charging a capacitor with a charge
q requires
energy, where C is the total capacitance of the
capacitor. A first simple
for an island is a conducting sphere which has a
self-capacitance of (see
Appendix A.1) [51]
is the permittivity of the surrounding dielectric material
and d is the diameter of the sphere.
Inserting (2.2) in (2.1) yields
an indirect proportionality to the size of the particle.
Fig. 2.1 to Fig. 2.3 compare this
electrostatic energy to the other characteristic energies involved in
charging an island with a small number of electrons. For the sake of
simplicity, the relative permittivity,
was assumed
to be 10. (For relative permittivities of different materials see the
Material Properties Table
A more accurate model for the capacitance of an island is the capacitance of
two or more spheres in a
line. A calculation for characteristic spatial dimensions shows an
increase of about 15% of the total capacitance. See
Appendix A for a detailed outline of
the calculations,
numerical results, and the description of an algorithm to calculate the
capacitance of an arbitrary arrangement of spheres. A collection of practical
analytical capacitance formulas is given in Table 2.1.
A collection of practical capacitance formulas. The expressions
for two spheres and sphere above plane are taken from [97]
For a system of N conductors the charge on one conductor may be written as
where the Cij denote the elements
of the
capacitance matrix.
The diagonal elements of the capacitance matrix Cii are the
total capacitances of the conductors i and the off-diagonal elements
Cij are the negative capacitances between conductor
i and j. The electrostatic charging energy is in analogy to (2.1)
C-1 is the
inverse of the capacitance matrix.
Systems with sufficiently small islands are not adequately described with this
model. They exhibit a second electron-electron interaction energy,
namely the change in
Fermi energy, when charged
with a single electron. One
must distinguish between metals and semiconductors, because of their greatly
different free carrier concentrations and the
presence of a band gap in the case
of semiconductors. Metals have typically a
carrier concentration of
and undoped Si about
at room temperature (see Material Properties
The low intrinsic carrier concentration for semiconductors is in reality not
achievable, because of the ubiquitous impurities which are ionized at room
temperature. These impurities supply free charge carriers and may lift the
concentration, in the case of Si,
to around
still many orders of
magnitude smaller than for metals. Clearly, doping increases the carrier
concentration considerably, and can lead in the case of degenerated
to metal like behavior. We are considering only undoped semiconductors to
emphasize the difference to metals.
The dependence of the Fermi energy EF on carrier concentration n is
in Appendix B
(see also [7]). For metals it is given by
and for semiconductors it is
is the net carrier concentration defined as
Fig. 2.1 compares the change in the Fermi energy for the addition
of one, two, and three electrons in Si to the electrostatic charging energy.
Figure 2.1:
Comparison of the change in Fermi energy for the addition of one, two,
and three electrons in Si to the electrostatic charging energy.
The first electron causes the biggest change in Fermi energy. The second and
third electron contribute a change smaller than the thermal energy for
room temperature. Hence, for single-electron devices one will try to build structures
with few free carriers, to achieve a high change in energy when charging an
Fig. 2.2 compares Si with Al. It is clearly visible that the change
is much bigger in Si. This is caused by two reasons. First, the difference in
free carrier concentration. In metals much more carriers are available and
the addition of one electron has not such a big impact anymore. Second in
metals an additional electron finds a place slightly
above the Fermi level. In semiconductors due to the energy gap the electron
needs to be inserted considerably above the Fermi level.
Figure 2.2:
Comparison of the change in Fermi energy for the addition of one
electron in Si and Al. The values below 1 nm particle diameter are
questionable, because the derivations of (2.6) and
(2.7) cease to be valid.
Next: 2.1.2 Quantum Confinement Energies
Up: 2.1 Characteristic Energies
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Christoph Wasshuber