Next: 3.1.2 Electrostatic Energy
Up: 3.1 Free Energy of
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In this analysis a single-electron circuit consists of
branches (capacitors, tunnel junctions, voltage sources, and
current sources)
that start and end at nodes. The electrical description of a
consists of all node potentials, node charges, and branch currents. Usually
only a part of the node potentials, node charges, and branch currents are
known. The unknown voltages, charges and currents have to be
calculated from Kirchhoff's laws. In order to distinguish between the
various kinds of nodes, we define the following terms. If the potential of
a node is given it is called a
potential-node. This is the case
for a node that is connected to a grounded voltage source
(see node 1 in Fig. 3.1), since the voltage source defines the
potential of the node.
Figure 3.1:
Nodes are distinguished in potential-nodes, charge-nodes, and floating-nodes, because
before the circuit analysis different quantities are known for different
nodes. For potential-nodes the node potential and for charge-nodes the node charge is
known. Floating-nodes have to be treated differently in the circuit analysis, since
neither charge nor potential are known a priori.
Charge-nodes are nodes with known charge and are either nodes with a constant charge,
or nodes which charge can change by an integer number of the elementary charge.
A charge-node has a constant charge if it is connected to capacitors only, since
no charge can enter or exit, such as node 6. If a charge-node is connected to at
least one tunnel junction it can change its charge by an integer number of
the elementary charge due to electrons tunneling onto and off the node.
Not grounded voltage sources that are not connected to other grounded
voltage sources produce
floating-nodes. A priori neither charge
nor potential is known of such nodes. However, the potential differences of
all floating-nodes in a macro-node are known. For
example the potential difference between nodes 3 and 5 in Fig. 3.1 is
determined by a voltage source. In addition to the known potential differences
of floating-nodes comprising a macro-node, the charge of the macro-node is known. The charge
of the macro-node is the sum of the charges of its floating-nodes. For a macro-node consisting of
Nf floating-nodes, Nf-1 potential differences and one charge, the sum of the
floating-node charges, are known. These are enough equations to determine with the
other node charges and potentials the missing quantities of the floating-nodes.
The charge of a macro-node can be treated equally to a charge on a charge-node, since the
macro-node charge can also only change by an integer number of the elementary charge.
Altogether, a network
consists of N+1 nodes, where Nc nodes are charge-nodes, Np nodes are potential-nodes,
Nf nodes are floating-nodes (
N=Np+Nf+Nc), and one node is the ground-node.
In general, subscripts p, f, and c denote potential-node, floating-node, and charge-node quantities,
respectively. Matrices
are written as bold upper case letters. For instance the capacitance matrix
is denoted by
C. The unit matrix is
I. Vectors are
bold lower case letters, such as the charge vector
q, and are
always column vectors. A row vector is written as transposed column vector
Next: 3.1.2 Electrostatic Energy
Up: 3.1 Free Energy of
Previous: 3.1 Free Energy of
Christoph Wasshuber