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The most likely first high volume application of single-electron technology are
memory chips. In Section 5.2 various
memory designs were investigated. General purpose single-electron processors are not very
likely. However, special application processors which do one kind of
calculation very efficiently, like neural networks [101], cellular
automata [76], or systolic processors [5],
which are in addition only locally interconnected, are possible
applications of single-electron tunneling.
A low volume application which is investigated at NIST, the National
Institute of Standards, is a single-electron pump
which is used for metrology. Capacitors can be charged with a precise number
of electrons, which allows an exact measurement of their capacitance.
Quantum mechanical effects can give rise to completely new devices
like a single-electron photon logic device [92] which may initiate new
applications for single-electron tunneling.
Christoph Wasshuber