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The potential for single-electronics is no longer a question of physics but of
fabrication. Therefore most of the work, to lead single-electronics to a success, has to
be done in process technology. Is it possible to mass
produce structures with nanometer feature
sizes? Granular films made from metals or semiconductors provide feature
sizes down to one nanometer. Table 6.1 gives the required
feature size and achievable integration density for operation at 4.2 K,
77 K, and 300 K. To operate a circuit at the temperature of liquid helium is
only acceptable for the largest and highest-performance computers, where
the cost of the cryogenics is only a small fraction of the overall machine
cost. The availability of small self-contained closed-cycle liquid nitrogen
refrigerators could make single-electronic integrated circuits possible for high
performance workstations. However, the goal is to develop fabrication
techniques for circuits operating at room temperature. Room temperature
operable single-electron devices could have, due to their ultimate low power
consumption, a high impact on mobile electronic equipment, such as
notebook computers.
Table 6.1:
Mandatory feature sizes and achievable integration densities for
single-electron circuits which work at 4.2 K, 77 K or 300 K.
temperature | thermal |
feature size |
feature size |
integration |
| energy |
for Coulomb |
for Coulomb |
density |
| |
oscillations |
blockade |
4.2 K (liquid helium) | 0.36 meV |
15 nm |
6.0 nm |
109 |
77 K (liquid nitrogen) | 6.64 meV |
4 nm |
1.6 nm |
300 K (room temperature) | 25.9 meV |
2 nm |
0.8 nm |
Much more important than room temperature operation is the independence to
random background charge, since it can destroy device behavior at any
temperature. The random background charge dependence can be addressed either
on the fabrication
level, by searching for impurity free fabrication techniques so that no
background charges exist, or on the
circuit level, by looking for circuits which can cope with random background
charges. For example circuits which build on Coulomb oscillations instead of the Coulomb blockade are
independent to random background charges, since oscillations exist independent
of background charges. Despite first proposals and solutions to this
problem much more research has to be done in this direction. Ultimately, the
solution of the random background charge issue will decide over the future of
single-electron integrated circuits.
Next: 6.2 Application
Up: 6 Outlook
Previous: 6 Outlook
Christoph Wasshuber