Due to the high symmetry of the Brillouin zone, the discretization of the
-space domain can be reduced to the irreducible wedge, the properties of which
are already discussed in Section 6.2. Several discretization methods
based on different mesh generation regimes are proposed in
literature [117]. One very common method for three-dimensional mesh
generation is the so-called cubic grid method.
The basic idea behind this method is to subdivide the whole domain to be meshed
into cubes of equal size. Different to an octree mesh approach the size
of the cubes does not vary over the domain. The problem with cubic grids is
that, if scalar data are stored on such grids in a 0
-face relation, the linear
interpolation over the element becomes ambiguities. Figure 6.5
shows such inconsistent disambiguation for a particular constellation of scalar
data stored related to the vertices. The linear interpolation is not well
defined which causes different possible constellation of the shown iso-surface.
To overcome these ambiguities the cubes are divided into tetrahedra, because
on a tetrahedron the linear interpolation as described in Section 3.1.3
becomes unique and the iso-surfaces between two neighboring tetrahedra are
conformal. Two methods are known for the tetrahedral decomposition which results
in five or six tetrahedra per cube as seen in Figure 6.6(b) and
Figure 6.6(e), respectively.
The decompositions of a cube into five tetrahedra yields an orientation switch
of two opposite diagonal face edges of the cube. Due to this fact, the tessellation
of one cube, as part of a larger cubic grid, forces a particular tessellation of
all neighboring cubes to guarantee a conformal mesh. This means that, if such
five-decompositions cubes are stacked together to a chain, the mesh of each
cube must be rotated by an angle of
For the tessellation of a cube into six tetrahedra, the orientations of opposite
face edges are equal. This enables an independent partitioning under the
assumption that every cube is fractionized by the same procedure and direction
of the cuts. Non-conformal mesh constellations during the partitioning process
vanish completely, if and only if every cube of the whole cubic grid is split by
the same method.
Due to the special geometric property of the first octant of the Brillouin zone, a
tessellation based on a cubic grid with a cube decomposition of five or six
tetrahedra per cube is possible but based on the explanations above a
decomposition into six tetrahedra is preferred and used in this work.
Figure 6.7 shows the discretization of one octant of the
Brillouin zone, based on a cubic grid approach with constant grid spacing. For the cube
decomposition a six tetrahedra approach was chosen as shown in the second row
of Figure 6.6.
The advantage of easy construction has as big
counterbalance, the disadvantage that the mesh density is constant over the
whole simulation domain. In [117] an algorithm is proposed which can
deal with different mesh densities based on a so-called octree mesh
approach, but the refinement zone is limited to a cuboidal region and therefore
not very flexible. This gives rise to unstructured tetrahedral based meshes.
State-of-the-art approaches as e.g. presented in [112] start with a
simple decomposition of the irreducible wedge, which contains six vertices,
into four tetrahedra. This initial mesh is divided into several tetrahedra
by inserting new vertices on edges. A new vertex on an edge forces the division
of a tetrahedron into two parts and therefore a finer mesh can be produced, cf.
Section 2.2.2
One of the most flexible ways to generate unstructured meshes is to use a
mesh generator which can produce meshes with different mesh densities in
particular regions of the domain to be meshed. In this work DELINK [17]
was used to generate the unstructured meshes for the demands of full band Monte Carlo
simulations. The mesh was afterwards ``fine tuned'' by a recursive refinement
procedure controlled by the scalar attribute stored on the mesh, which is
discussed in detail in Section 6.4.3. Figure 6.8
shows the result of this meshing procedure for the first conduction band of
In the following a tetrahedron based mesh is used which enables calculation in the
-space domain in a simple and robust manner [118]. Flexible element grading
allows to keep the total number of tetrahedra low and guarantees a good
spatial resolution in regions of interests. These regions are mostly determined
by an electron or hole distribution function that yields a higher
population, which is important for full band Monte Carlo simulations. These domains should
therefore be tracked very meticulously.
With respect to the complexity of the given band diagram different
tessellations have been developed for the first, second, and the third conduction band
and one mesh for the valence bands. Starting from an initial unstructured mesh
which was produced with DELINK [17] a
recursive tetrahedral bisection approach, as described in Section 2.2.3,
was used to generate a finer mesh in different regions of the irreducible
wedge, which is shown in Figure 6.9.
For the conduction band it is important to refine those regions of low
energy values opposite to the mesh for holes where a finer mesh is set in
regions of high energy values. So only those regions of interest have been
refined with the recursive tetrahedral bisection method, other regions are left
Figures 6.9(a), Figure 6.9(b), and
Figure 6.9(c) show constant energy contours and the resulting
-space mesh plots for the first, second, and third conduction band
respectively. One can clearly observe a higher mesh
density in regions of low energy values. Regions with high energy values are
untouched by the recursive tetrahedral bisection refinement and show therefore
the density of the initial mesh as produced with DELINK.
Since the valence bands show there maximum exact in the
-point, only in this area a finer mesh is used. Opposite to the meshes
for the first three valence bands, regions of low energy are untouched, so they
show the mesh density of the initial mesh. The energy contour plot for the
heavy hole band and the mesh plot for all hole bands is shown in
Figure 6.9(d).
In the following three examples are presented, where the first deals with the
calculation of density of states and the relation to analytical
band structure approximations. The next example is focused on average
kinetic energy calculations and the comparison of two different mesh
approaches, namely the cubic grid approach and the unstructured mesh approach
as presented in Section 6.4.1 and Section 6.4.2, respectively.
The example section is closed by the electron velocity example which
also deals with two different meshing approaches and the impact on the
calculation of electron velocity.