All physical effects of ion implantation can be described by the Monte Carlo technique [Rob63], [Rob74], [Bie80], [Maz84], [Zie85], [Hob89]. There, the trajectory of an individual ion is traced on its way through the target until it comes to rest. Each ion starts at a given position with a known energy and direction. Figure 2.1-1 shows schematically the trajectory of one ion. On its way it collides with other atoms, transfers energy to these atoms and is slowed down by interaction with the electrons of the lattice atoms. The energy passed to the other atoms can be high enough to displace these atoms from their lattice position which may interact with other atoms subsequently.
The ion is assumed to change direction with each elastic binary nuclear collision and to move in a straight free flight path between collisions. Between elastic collisions, the ion loses energy via inelastic electronic stopping independent of elastic contributions. When the ion's energy drops below some threshold (), it stops and the end point of the trajectory is included in a histogram which builds the doping profile. To achieve statistically relevant results a high number of trajectories has to be simulated, at least 10,000 for one-dimensional profiles and more than 100,000 for two-dimensional profiles.
A typical example of Monte Carlo results is shown in Figure 2.1-2. Common elements have been simulated for an implant energy of . The jagged character of the curves reflects the histogram boxes. All results have been obtained by the simulation of 10,000 trajectories.
The drawback of this technique is the large amount of time necessary for the calculations, although major efforts have succeeded in increasing computational efficiency [vS89] [Hob89]. Nearly all efficient programs assume amorphous targets, leading to the neglection of channeling effects. Monte Carlo programs for crystalline targets [Lin63], [Rob74], [Hob91], [Kle92] are many times more computationally expensive.