2.3.1 Two-Dimensional Point Response

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2.3.1 Two-Dimensional Point Response


The first model including lateral spread of implanted ions was proposed by Furukawa et al. [Fur72]. It is based on the statistical distribution function for one ion, i.e. the response to a punctiform beam. Such a point response is shown in Figure 2.3-1 for boron implanted with an energy of .


Without loss of generality is the point of entrance of the ion. Furukawa et al. and later Runge [Run77] used a 2D Gaussian function for the statistical distribution function which may be written as (2.3-1). This approach has been refined by Ryssel [Rys83a] to allow an arbitrary vertical distribution function (2.3-2).



All these models assume that the 2D distribution function is separable, i.e. it may be written as a product of two independent distribution functions for vertical and lateral direction, and , respectively (2.3-3).


Separability entails that any correlation between the vertical and the lateral coordinate is ignored. The natural way to consider correlation between the two coordinates is the introduction of mixed moments (2.3-4)


An attempt to construct distribution functions from such moments has been accomplished, e.g. by Winterbon [Win86] and Lorenz et al. [Lor89] with moderate success.

A different method to include correlation between the two coordinates is to allow a depth dependent lateral distribution function [Hob87a]. As can be seen from Figure 2.3-2 the moments of the lateral distribution function depend on depth.


The statistical distribution function for one ion may generally be written as (2.3-5). The lateral distribution function is seen here as a function of with parameters, which depend on the depth . For any depth a normalization condition (2.3-6) must hold.



The lateral moments (standard deviation and kurtosis ) are obtained by fitting the results of Monte Carlo simulations. Fitting formulae and parameters are listed in [Hob87a].

Assuming a Gaussian distribution for no higher lateral moments than the standard deviation can be taken into account. As mentioned in Section 2.2.2, the Pearson VII and the modified Gaussian distribution functions are well suited for lateral distribution functions including the lateral kurtosis too.

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Martin Stiftinger
Wed Oct 19 13:03:34 MET 1994