Ion implantation damages the silicon lattice and therefore produces high point defect concentrations [Sig69], [Gib72], [Zie85], [Hob88b], [Gil88], [Kim89]. After implantation, i.e. at the beginning of the diffusion process, the dopants are primarily found at interstitial sites. The concentration of the dopant interstitial pairs is far from equilibrium.
In equilibrium the dopant interstitial pair concentration is in the order of times the concentration of the substitutional dopants , which comprises that the pair diffusivity is about times the total (normal) diffusion coefficient .
The enormous supersaturation of dopant interstitial pairs leads to an enhancement of diffusion. As the dopant point-defect pairs are dissolved via , the enhanced diffusion slows down and reaches normal diffusion as dopant point-defect pairs reach their equilibrium values. The primary parameter to control the effect of the transient enhanced diffusion is the reaction rate for .
The pair diffusion model described in Section 3.2.4 requires three equations to be solved for each dopant and two additional equations for the point defects. The model accounts for different charge states of the diffusing species, and therefore we get an enormous number of charge state reaction constants (, ) in addition to the diffusion constants (, ), reaction constants (, ) and equilibrium concentrations (, ) which are not defined a priori.
To reduce this enormous number of parameters drastically we consider the influence of non-equilibrium point defects just for those dopants which show the most pronounced transient enhanced diffusion effect. Additionally, the diffusion constants and reaction constants cannot be chosen arbitrarily, as normal diffusion has to take place after decay of the dopant point-defect pairs to their equilibrium .
For simplicity, the pair diffusion mechanism and therefore the transient enhanced diffusion effect is only taken into account for boron. For other dopants, we apply Fair's diffusion model (see Section 3.2.1). Since boron is known to diffuse mainly via an interstitial mechanism, only the interstitial concentration and no vacancy concentration is calculated. Thus, equations (3.2-59) - (3.2-65) are solved for boron, and (3.2-66) - (3.2-67) for other dopants. Remember that and are mean electric charges.
After implantation boron is primarily found on interstitial sites. We deduce for the initial conditions for boron and boron interstitial pairs that only a small part resides at substitutional sites and the major part resides at interstitial sites (3.2-70). The actual value of is rather uncritical for the diffusion behavior (cf. page and Figure 3.7-15). The implantation damage is more crucial. Hobler's values [Hob88b] which are based on Monte Carlo simulations seem to be to high by approximately a factor of 8 [Hob89], [Pic91].
We apply zero flux boundary conditions for all dopants and dopant interstitial pairs (3.2-71). For the interstitials the boundary condition is frequently applied [Hei90], which implicates an infinite surface recombination velocity for point defects. We use a more realistic boundary condition (3.2-72) [Hu92a], with a finite rate constant of the surface annihilation of excess self-interstitials . This condition is not only more realistic, but also allows larger time steps for the transient integration, and therefore less CPU-time for the numerical solution.