3.7.2 Memory Management

For each memory region that is allocated on the free store, the operating system needs to keep track of, at least, the size and the address3.8. Therefore, the memory and performance overhead particularly for small sized objects like integer variables, is very high. By delegating parts of the operating system's memory management to the application, some of this overhead can be eliminated. A technique to manage free store memory is a so-called memory pool.

In a memory pool the allocated memory is increased and decreased in chunks, each capable of storing several objects. The C++ runtime system passes address and size of an object to the new and delete operators of a class, thus the explicit storage of this information can be omitted3.9. In order to handle fragmentations that occur upon freeing objects with non consecutive memory addresses, a single linked list structure as depicted in Fig. 3.21 is used.

Figure 3.21: Static pool class. The variable head marks the memory that is returned in the next memory allocation call. As long as memory is allocated from an empty chunk (left and middle part) addresses for the objects are assigned consecutively. Once an object is destroyed fragmentation may occur (right part). The memory of the destroyed objects is re-used to hold pointers to the next available memory location. This implementation enforces a minimum object size that is equal to the size of a pointer variable, but does not require additional memory to handle recycled objects.
\begin{figure}\psfig{file=pics/pool-static, width=\linewidth}\par\end{figure}

Unfortunately, the above described simple pool can not directly be applied for a general implementation of the allocation and deallocation operators. This is due to the fact that it is incapable of being safely used in class hierarchies, since the size of the objects managed by this pool is determined at compile time (hard-coded). The (dynamically determined) size arguments to operators new and delete are completely ignored. As a consequence, inheritance of the operators to derived classes that require more memory for an object instance would be fatal and result in memory corruption. Moreover, such a misuse could not even be detected or avoided at either compile- or runtime. Therefore, the simple pool was extended to handle objects of arbitrary sizes. This dynamic sized pool internally uses several statically (sized) pools, each for a given object size. The static pools are allocated on demand as soon as memory for the first object of a given size is requested. The size argument supplied to the new operator is thereby used as an index into an array of pointers to static pools. The array size determines the biggest object that can be managed in the pool. For the WAFER-STATE-SERVER the size was set to a value of $ 8\cdot 1024$ which allows to manage $ 8$kB sized objects (c. f. Fig. 3.22).

Figure 3.22: Dynamic pool class. The index $ i$ holds a pointer to the pool managing objects of size $ i+1$. Initially all pointers are set to null. On the first request for a given size the according pool is allocated and a pointer to the pool is assigned to the appropriate position in the array.
\begin{figure}\centering\psfig{file=pics/pool-dynamic, width=0.75\linewidth}\par\end{figure}

The use of a pool for even larger objects is questionable since both the memory and the performance gain of the pool is negligible in that case. The developed dynamic pool can safely be used in any possible inheritance scheme without worrying about object sizes. For concrete classes that are not intended to be inherited (e. g.  the integer class that is used as a reference counter in the handle class) the static pool is preferred over the dynamic one since it eliminates the overhead of the array operation.
