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Charge Trapping and Single-Defect Extraction in Gallium-Nitride Based MIS-HEMTs

Chapter A The Hidden Markov Model Library

The HMM library consists of two main class objects,


and another class derived from it called


. The first one has three mandatory arguments, the name of the defect, its step height (math image) and the number of emitting states. Depending on the number of states, keyword arguments for the forward and backward rates for all states have to be provided in Hz. States without emission (i.e. thermal states, see Section 5.2.2) is defined with the method


. Additionally, limits for (math image) and the rates, the initial voltage offset as well as a list with the corresponding charge of each state can be set optionally.



class takes a list of traps, from which it calculates the combined system using the data provided by the


objects in the list. The probably most important method used to train the model is


, which takes a sequence of observations and uses a modified Baum-Welch algorithm to fit the individual defects independently of each other. A simplified flow chart of the training algorithm is given in Figure A.1.

(-tikz- diagram)

Figure A.1: A simplified flowchart of the modified Baum-Welch algorithm used for training of the HMM library. The blue rectangles mark the parts of the algorithm which are processed in parallel. The implementations of the Viterbi algorithm, the forward and backward algorithm and some other methods are provided by the pomegranate HMM library [224].

It should be noted that the implementations of the Viterbi algorithm, the forward and backward algorithm and some other methods are provided by the pomegranate HMM library [224]. One example of the training of a two-defect system shows the simple usage of the provided classes:

  from        hmm       import Trap,Traps
  #    reading   and          processing     of    measurement    data
   < ... >

   two    =     TwoState( name =
                               '     twostate     ' , dVth =5.0,
                          dVthRange    =(4.,    6.) , k12 =1 e3 , k21 =1 e2 )
   four =        Trap
                 ( name = '     fourstate      ' ,     nrStates =3,
                       dVth =3.0,      charge     =     [0,1,2],
                       k12 =0.1,     k21 =0.5,       k23 =10.0,
                       k32 =3.0)
  # add   thermal     state   to    state    2 with       tauc =2 s , taue =10 s
   four . addTiedState    (2,    1./2,     1./10)

      defects       =   Traps([ two ,   four ],   sigma   =0.5)

  #  train   the   HMM
   defects . fit ([ data1 , data2 , data3 ],   update =1 e -5,
                        iterations  =(5,  100) , jobs = threads )
  # plot    results
  print    defects
      defects . plot ()