3.2.3 Solution of the Trap-Dynamics Equation

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3.2.3 Solution of the Trap-Dynamics Equation

Considering the solution of the complete system of equations for the time step the following quantities related to the interface traps at the level should be calculated during each iteration :

  1. the trap-dynamics equation 3.9 or 3.11 is solved in the interval to obtain the actual trap occupancy function at the end of the interval . The occupancy function at the previous time step is known from the selfconsistent solution of the complete system of equations.
  2. the electron and hole net generation-recombination rates associated with


    where , , and are given by relationships 3.4 and 3.5. For the non-interacting traps the relationship


    holds in general. In addition, the derivatives with respect to concentrations and are calculated.

  3. interface charge


  4. derivation of with respect to surface potential


The analytical forms of the trap-related quantities 3.29 - 3.33 depend on the solution of the trap-dynamics equation which rewritten for the occupancy function , assuming non-interacting traps, reads (we omit the iteration counter hence):


This is a first order linear differential equation, with non-constant coefficients. The analytical solution to 3.34 in the interval is


where we used the initial condition . The effective time constant has the form , while , where , , and are constant assuming that the trap energy and capture cross-sections are constant. For the non-steady-state emission and the capture when the free-carrier concentrations at the surface are constant in the interval , the factors and are constant. The general solution 3.35 then reduces to a simple analytical form:


When the surface carrier concentrations vary during the time step , the integral in 3.35 has no analytical solution in the general case. Since the basic semiconductor equations are solved at and only, we have no information on and in the integration interval. Assuming a physics based exponential interpolation of and as discussed later, no analytical solution is available in 3.35gif. To overcome this problem, we will apply a pure numerical approach to solve the differential equation 3.34. Using the strongly implicit discretization of 3.34 it follows that the solution at yields


where and are calculated for the point . The time interval in 3.37 does not necessarily denote the time step for solving the basic semiconductor equations. In fact, we can divide into several subintervals and apply the solution 3.37 to each of them, as we shall explain later. The solution 3.37 exhibits proper limiting behaviors:


This solution, however, deviates from the exact solution to the problem when it is known, as for the important cases described by 3.36. For this `natural solution' the time discretization error of 3.37 is analyzed in detail in Appendix B. By analytical considerations it is found that a quite small number of time steps within the interval of the gate pulse which determines the emission mode, are sufficient to suppress the discretization error.
To calculate the net generation rates 3.29, let us remark that replacing 3.4 and 3.5 in 3.29, and using 3.30 leads to


where and are constant in the interval of integration. It follows


respectively. Note that 3.40 and 3.41 directly follow from 3.29 by simply replacing all subintegral quantities with their values at .
The corresponding derivation of the generation rates in the interval , with respect to the carrier concentrations become


For the derivation of the trapped charge with respect to the surface potential 3.33 we obtain


In the derivation of 3.42 - 3.44, Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics and constant capture cross-sections are assumed. Note that we employ the derivations to accelerate convergence only. In the limit the expressions 3.40 - 3.44 are reduced properly to the steady-state relationships; e.g. the expressions 3.40 and 3.41 reduce to the well-known Shockley-Read-Hall trap-assisted recombination rate model for the steady-state [409][179].

In the consideration above we solve the differential equation 3.34 numerically in one step. Dividing into several subintervals and interpolating and between and , allows us to solve equation 3.34 with a higher accuracy than by the one-step method. To propose a convenient interpolation for the carrier concentrations, we remember that large variations of and take place when the variations of the surface potential are large. This occurs in weak inversion, depletion and weak accumulation. The surface potential almost linearly follows the gate voltage in these regions (see expression B.11 in Appendix B), which produces exponential variations of the surface concentrations. Therefore, an exponential interpolation of and between two time steps of the gate bias is assumed. On the other hand, in the regions where the surface potential varies logarithmically (strong inversion and accumulation), variations of the surface carrier concentrations are small and the time discretization error becomes small as well.
In each time subinterval the strongly implicit discretization is applied, leading to a recursive expression of form 3.37. Beginning from the occupancy function can be easily calculated at the discretization points, until the last value . The dependence of the time discretization error in the numerical approach 3.37 on the time steps in the gate bias and the number of time-subintervals is analyzed in detail in Appendix B. Evidently, by dividing into subintervals, the gate bias steps are reduced effectively to with respect to the trap-dynamics equations.
The expressions for the net generation rates in the particular subinterval are given by expressions 3.40 and 3.41 divided by the number of the subintervals, but with all quantities replaced with their values at the end of the subinterval. The total net generation rate within becomes the sum of the particular contributions from each subinterval. The expressions for the derivatives are evaluated by recursion, as well. They are quite clumsy and will be omitted here.
A similar exponential interpolation of and can be performed between adjacent grid lines along the interface. This interpolation is important for interface traps in the junctions, since the free carrier concentrations vary rapidly with the position in these regions.

A comment will be made on the computer implementation of the previous relationships. If the complementary occupancy function is calculated from as , its minimal value is limited by the accuracy of , but not by the minimal positive real number representable in the computer. Since this truncation can include an error in the expressions presented, the complementary occupancy function should be calculated by


where is the complementary occupancy function known from the previous time step and .

An equidistant discretization in the energy space has been assumed for a continuum of interface states, with the spacing of between two adjacent energy levelsgif. By this choice the equilibrium Fermi-Dirac occupancy function (3.8) is resolved well. Additionally, for the non-steady-state emission occupancy function (B.5) about trap levels contribute effectively to the signal in each time decade (see Figure B.1). The number of energy levels becomes . Note that is temperature dependent: e.g. at room temperature , and , while at , and .
To calculate the total contribution from traps at , the contributions from all energy levels are superposed. The total electron and hole net generation rates, the total trapped charge and their derivatives at become sums of the contributions from the particular levels. They are coupled with the basic semiconductor equations through the terms , and their derivatives (see equations 3.26 and 3.28). The complete system is solved selfconsistently at each time step. The detailed algorithm is presented in Appendix C. The derivatives of the generation rates with respect to the carrier concentrations are used to improve the convergence of the discretized continuity equations 3.26, while the derivatives of the trapped charge accelerates the convergence of the discretized Poisson equation 3.28. Moreover, the last is absolutely indispensible in achieving the convergence of the iterative algorithm when high trap-densities are assumed. After extensive numerical tests, the convergence of the algorithm could be guaranteed, for both steady-state and transient conditions and both donor-like and acceptor-like interface traps, for densities of traps very localized in space and for traps uniformly distributed in space. These limits are much higher than the densities of interest in practice. Assuming bulk traps the empirical limit becomes for traps nonlocalized in space.

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Martin Stiftinger
Sat Oct 15 22:05:10 MET 1994