Traps build-up while stressing LDD MOSFETs at a maximum substrate current is analyzed in this section by using charge pumping.
It is important to distinguish between two effects in considering the evolution of the degradation processes: (1) the evolution of the absolute damage (generated interface trap density and/or total charge trapped in the oxide) and (2) the influence of the damaged region on the device electrical characteristics.
It is known that the stressing of conventional -channel MOSFETs at
bias which corresponds approximately to the condition of
the maximum substrate current
, results in a maximum creation of interface
states in comparison with other gate biases
[194]. The
generation of interface traps is also predominantly responsible for the
degradation of device static characteristics, such as the threshold voltage
, drain current change
transconductance change
, after stress at
. The interface trap creation
obeys a
power-law relationship in time with a slope of
on a double
logarithmic scale in a wide range of stressing conditions, as confirmed by the
charge-pumping measurements [194][30]. Whether
change in time with the same exponent in the power-law
relationships as the
changes, depends on presence of other
degradation mechanisms [194], like the oxide charge build-up which
proceeds with an exponent
[104]. For stress at maximum
the degradation
also show an exponent
, as found in several experiments [459][458][217].
In -channel LDD devices, the stress at
results in a deviation from a simple power-law
relationship. A saturation of
on the log-log scale is reported
for long stress times [499][183]. The saturation is explained
in [499] by pushing the peak of the lateral electric field towards
the drain while stressing, due to the electrostatic influence of the generated
acceptor-like interface traps. Because of a reduced electric field and thereby,
lower injection currents the interface states are generated at a lower rate.
In addition, they are produced deeper in the LDD region where their influence
on the device characteristics is smaller. A second explanation for the
saturation of the
characteristics involves a feedback effect
of the generated acceptor-like traps. An increasing trap density decreases the
local Fermi level at the interface due to the negative interface charge and
leads to a lower occupation of the interface traps [183]. Because they
are lower occupied they influence the drain current less. In addition, a high
density of acceptor-like interface traps increases the hole-attractive normal
field (Figure 3.23). Consequently, the hole injection current
can increase, leading to an increased rate of the interface state creation.
This effect has not been reported in literature.
Note that a similar disagreement exists in literature between the models for the
degradation of conventional -channel MOSFETs. The characteristics of those
devices also shows a deviation from the power-law relationship and a saturation
for long stressing times. In one model, the region in which all traps become
filled by injected electrons moves logarithmically in time towards the channel,
whereas the electric field and the injection current remain unchanged during the
stress [500][42][39]. In another model, the negative charge
in the oxide due to trapped electrons reduces the injected electron current,
thereby reducing the rate of oxide charge
build-up [493][106][29]. The trapping itself occurs at the same
place without saturation [480]. After charge-pumping studies
in [30] it seems that both processes occur: a logarithmic spreading
of the trapped region in time and a continuous logarithmic build-up of the
trapped charge in time without saturation at particular positions.
The LDD -channel MOSFET used in this study is the same as the device analyzed
in Section 3.5.3. MOSFET is stressed at
). The evolution of the measured
differential charge-pumping characteristics
is presented
in Figure 3.47. Using the constant amplitude method,
discussed in Section 3.5.2, we extracted the spatial trap
distributions from
. The applied
relation is shown in Figure 3.43.
Figure 3.46 presents the calculated trap
at different stress times.
The distributions from the channel region to the coordinate of have
been directly calculated from the
curves in the
, Figure 3.47. The trap
distributions from
are obtained by fitting the experimental
curves in the region
. Remember that
we have already analyzed the contribution to the
characteristics from the particular areas in this LDD device in
Section 3.5.3. The interval from the channel until
corresponds to the region
. In this region the trap distributions
are less dependent on the uncertainty in the lateral doping profile and the
local oxide thickness
. As opposed, the part of the distributions from
towards the drain is very sensitive to the device parameters involved at
the gate-corner/LDD-region field fringing, like the LDD surface dopant
concentration, oxide thickness and the geometry of the gate corner
(Appendix E).
We further assume that the stress-generated traps are acceptor-like and
uniformly distributed in the forbidden band. Assuming the calculated spatial
trap distributions to be superposed on the uniform trap distribution in the
virgin device the charge-pumping characteristics
are calculated
by using the rigorous two-dimensional transient model. The differential
characteristics shown in Figure 3.47
follow after subtracting the calculated
in the
virgin device. The calculated
curves agree well with the
experimental data in the interval
, which confirms a reasonable
accuracy of the extracted trap distributions for
. As obtained, the
-channel LDD device exhibits a continuous build-up of traps in time. In
the channel region, traps are generated in a very low density. In the LDD
gate/subdiffusion region, the injection occurs from the conventional field peak,
as shown in Figure 3.48. The traps are generated in
the whole subdiffusion region, but in a low amount. Many more traps are produced
in the LDD region near the gate edge under the LDD spacer. These traps we
attribute to the injection close to the LDD field peak ([511][355]).
Note that the LDD field peak is smaller than the conventional field peak,
Figure 3.48. The trap distributions are quite narrow
in this region (a few
). A disagreement between the experimental and
calculated characteristics is found at low base levels
Figure 3.47. We are not able to extract the trap
density deeply in the LDD region towards the drain and to reproduce a large
increase in the charge-pumping current in the long-tail region. In this region
the charge-pumping current is produced only by a weak fringing effect.
Significant current in the long tail of the stressed -channel LDD devices
is observed in other measurements as well [384]. By increasing the
amplitude of the gate signal the trap distributions around the peak value could
be obtained with a much better accuracy and the interface can be scanned deeper
in the LDD region, as explained in Section 3.5.3 and
Appendix E.
The trap distributions we obtained differ qualitatively from those extracted
from the gated-diode current measurements in [16][15]. In these
papers, two peaks in the spatial trap distributions are found, which merge for
long stress times due to the shift of the conventional field peak. In the
distributions we extracted, the peak at the gate edge is much higher than the
trap density near the conventional field peak. Due to a low generated trap
density in the LDD subdiffusion region the shift of the conventional field
peak towards the drain [499], found by the gated-diode recombination
current measurements in [16], is negligible in the analyzed device,
as presented in Figure 3.48. Note that we have
confirmed by numerical simulation that the traps in an amount of
are indeed able to shift the
conventional field peak in the analyzed MOSFET. A small lowering in the LDD
field peak is the only change in the field distributions in the analyzed
MOSFET during the observed stressing time. That significant amount of both,
electrons and holes are injected in
-channel LDD devices mostly into the
LDD spacer-oxide close to the gate edge, but not into the gate oxide above the
subdiffusion region is also found by simulation of injection [183].
The differences between the results from different sources could be attributed
to the different quality of the spacer oxides and the different level of dopant
concentration in the LDD devices.
Figure 3.49 shows the calculated time evolution of the drain-current change in the LDD device assuming the extracted trap distributions from Figure 3.46. The calculated degradation can be well modeled by a power-law relationship
with a slope of . Acceptor-like interface states influence the drain
current twofold (
-channel devices):
(1) by increasing the local resistance due to trapping of negative charge,
which decreases the drain current and
(2) by decreasing the local carrier mobility close to the interface due to
scattering on the interface charge. The squares in
Figure 3.49 are calculated by neglecting the second
effect, whereas the circles depict the results when the second effect is
accounted for. The slopes of both curves are very close to each other.
Consequently, the second effect only shifts the degradation characteristics
upwards without changing its shape (on the double-log scale). The surface
scattering due to the interface charge is modeled by the relationship
In 3.134, is the surface mobility related
only to the surface charge scattering.
is the constant of proportionality,
is the reference temperature,
is the inversion-layer charge
density at position
is some reference density.
combined with the surface low-field mobility
by employing the
Matthiessen's rule
to obtain the total surface mobility at low longitudinal fields in the channel.
In 3.134, is the
total density of the charged sites at the position
. The proportionality
has been justified both,
theoretically [392][80] and
experimentally [451][392][290][184] for charge uniformly
distributed along the interface. A deviation from
found at low
[184] is irrelevant at room temperature in
practice. The exponent of the temperature-dependence
equals to
electrons, as derived theoretically and confirmed experimentally for room and
low temperatures in [392]. The factor
models the
impact of the moving charge on the scattering due to the screening
effect. By increasing the scattering becomes weaker and
increases. Experimental work in [290] has shown that
for electrons
is approximately constant at high
, having a value of
. By fitting the
experimental data in [290] we calculated
for electrons
. This value of
coherent with
, calculated for
from [451] and
used in [414] (assuming
). The attenuation of the effect of the scattering due to interface
charged sites when moving from the interface towards the bulk is described
empirically by function
, which is larger than the largest inversion-layer
width of interest (at low fields perpendicular to the interface).
Formulation 3.134 neglects the two-dimensional effects
due to the variation of
along the interface and accounts for the
screening only through the total inversion-layer charge (no
To be complete in our analysis, the measured changes in the drain current should
be compared with the calculation in Figure 3.49.
Unfortunately, these data were not available.