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6. Differential Method
As outlined in the previous chapter a rigorous calculation
of the EM field becomes necessary to cope with the phenomena that determine
the performance of today's semiconductor photolithography.
Difficulties arise from the EM scattering caused by the inhomogeneous resist and
by the increasingly nonplanar topography as well as the oblique wave propagation
due to the usage of high numerical apertures.
We chose the differential method among the various rigorous techniques
described in Section 5.3.
The major reasons for this choice are listed below by summarizing
some important advantages of the differential method in comparison to the other
three available rigorous techniques (cf. Table 5.1):
- Spatial domain method. The spatial domain method is based on
the finite-element method. Hence the simulation domain has to be adequately
meshed which is an extremely difficult task especially in three
space dimensions.
Complicating the situation, the mesh has to be adapted to the
solution of the Maxwell equations because otherwise the curls of the
EM field cannot be properly discretized and the numerical algorithm is
unstable. A second problem arises from the radiation boundary
conditions (BCs)
as they establish tight relations between all boundary points.
Thus the bandwidth of the system
matrix, and to a large degree
also the CPU time, is determined by the number of the boundary elements.
The differential method neither suffers from the meshing nor from
the boundary problem. Both are avoided by the usage of
Fourier series since only an equally spaced ortho-product-tensor-grid is
required in the lateral directions and the radiation BCs
are optimally matched by the Fourier expansions.
- Time-domain finite-difference method. The time-domain
finite-difference method uses an equally spaced ortho-tensor-product-grid
and thus avoids the meshing problem. Problems arise from the
extreme computational requirements that prohibit a workstation-based
three-dimensional simulation. Because of its high numerical costs the
algorithm is primarily restricted to massively parallel computer
architectures. Here the full power of parallel computers can be
exploited as the equations are predisposed for a parallel implementation.
The average computation time is about 20 minutes on an
appropriate supercomputer, the storage requirements are, however,
extremely high around 16 GB of memory. Thus the algorithm is
memory-limited rather than computation time-limited. The
differential method realizes a compromise between storage and
CPU costs--typical values are 500 MB of memory and 6 hours run-time
on a modern engineering workstation--and thus enables a
workstation-based simulation also for three-dimensional applications.
A second problem stems from the fact that the stead-state solution
is calculated iteratively since the number of required iterations is not
known in advance. Due to the accumulation of numerical errors the
solution potentially starts to diverge after the steady-state is reached
unless the real part of the refractive index is smaller than its
imaginary part [6,7].
This is a severe restriction since
a lot of commonly used materials in IC fabrication are highly dispersive,
i.e., the imaginary part of the refractive index is larger than
the real part [6,7]. An automatic
termination of the iteration cannot be implemented since
it is difficult to decide whether the solution is still converging
towards the steady-state or already diverging from it.
- Waveguide method. Beside the differential method the waveguide
method is the second frequency-domain method.
Hence waveguide and differential method are closely related.
The differences are of sophisticated nature and will therefore be
discussed in greater detail in Section 6.5.3.
Anticipating this thorough discussion, two important advantages of the
differential method shall be stated beforehand: The waveguide method
divides the simulation domain into thin layers. Within one layer
an eigenvalue problem is solved. By matching recursively adjacent layers
a linear algebraic system is established. If the layers are
too absorptive stability problems occur. The differential method
transforms the Maxwell equations into a two-point boundary value
problem (BVP)
of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The zero-order
discretization, i.e., the system matrix and thus the medium
is assumed to be constant within a discrete interval,
refers to the waveguide method since the solution of an ODE system
with constant coefficients can be reduced to an eigenvalue problem.
Hence the discretization order of the differential method is implicitly
higher than that of the waveguide method. Furthermore it can be chosen
arbitrarily, and numerical instabilities can thus simply be avoided by
increasing it. Computationally efficient methods exist to solve
two-point BVPs that assure convergence of the algorithm
in even strongly absorptive media. This is another advantage of the
differential method over the waveguide method.
As for the outline of this chapter: In Section 6.1 we first
pose the problem formulation and then briefly sketch the operation principle
of the differential method. In Section 6.2 the lateral
discretization of the Maxwell equations is discussed in great detail.
Especially the compact matrix notation introduced significantly
simplifies all further investigations. Next, in Section 6.3
the BCs are formulated. As they are posed at two different spatial
locations, i.e., at the two boundary points of the simulation interval, a
two-point BVP of ODEs has to be solved. Important solution
algorithms for BVPs are summarized in Section 6.4,
whereby the ``shooting method'' is best suited
for our application since it can be implemented in a very memory-efficient way.
Its theoretical background and implementation is thus discussed at greater
length. The final Section 6.5 is devoted to
the performance and limitation of the differential method as well as to a
comparison of differential and waveguide methods.
Next: 6.1 Fundamentals
Up: PhD Thesis Heinrich Kirchauer
Previous: 5.3.2 Approximate Electromagnetic Solution
Heinrich Kirchauer, Institute for Microelectronics, TU Vienna