5.6 Intervalley Scattering

Formally, the intervalley scattering is treated in the same way as the scattering due to optical phonons with a deformation potential. It has been shown that the phonon assisted intervalley scattering can be modeled by means of an intervalley deformation potential  [88].

1    Zη′D2ηη′m η′′⋆′(       1   1 )  ′ ′                ′
ν′λ′η′-=  ---------νλ-  Nηη′ +--∓ --  Iννλληη′Θ(E ηνλ(k∥)- E ην′λ′ ± E ηη′ + Δλλ′)
τνλη(k∥)     2ℏρE ηη′          2   2

where η and η denote the initial and the final valley index, respectively. Dηη is the intervalley deformation potential constant, ρ is the mass density, Eηη is the intervalley phonon energy, and Zη denotes the degeneracy of the final valley. The overlap integral is determined by

Iν′λ′η′=    |Φη (z)|2|Φη′′ ′(z)|2dz
 νλη         νλ      ν λ