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Up: Dissertation Rainer Minixhofer
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Semiconductor technology and industry has enormously advanced in the
past decades. Starting from a plastic triangle, a slab of germanium,
some gold foil and gold contacts (the first bipolar transistor in
1947), as of 2004 the typical transistor density per circuit is around 140
million transistors/
for MPU (micro processor unit) applications,
doubling every year (Moore's Law [2]). This trend is shown in
Figure 1.1 starting with the 4040, the first Intel Processor
in 1971.
Figure 1.1:
Intel MPU transistor
density trend starting with the 4040
processor [3]. The dashed line shows the ITRS chip
size model [4]
Semiconductor Industry is the main
driving force for technology innovation and ``New Economy'' markets. The
ongoing development of faster integrated circuits with higher device
density has led to highly complex and sophisticated products which
are widely accepted by society. A modern integrated circuit cannot
be developed without the massive use of computer aided design (CAD)
in any step of the complex flow from the idea to the final product. This
work concentrates on technology computer aided design (TCAD) [5] and its
integration into the semiconductor fabrication process flow. The use
of TCAD is twofold: Firstly it models the complex flow of semiconductor
fabrication steps ending up with detailed information on geometric
shape and doping profile distribution of a semiconductor device in
scope (like CMOS- or Bipolar-Transistors)
Secondly it uses the information of the first step to predict the device
characteristics of semiconductor devices leading to circuit simulation models
as implemented in any circuit simulator like PSPICE [6],
ELDO [7], SPECTRE [8] etc.
TCAD-Simulation. The setup of such a simulation methodology requires an almost
completely documented semiconductor fabrication process flow including such
fabrication details like angle of incidence of ions implanted in ion
implantation process steps, or etch rate distribution as a function of the
local angle of the etched layer surface.
Any modern semiconductor fabrication facility maintains such documentation to
an extremely high detail level, but commercial TCAD simulation software like
Synopsys [9] or Silvaco [10] Tools need this
information in a very specialized format [11] which cannot be directly
deduced from the standard process flow documentation. The traditional way of
setting up the process- and to some extent also the device TCAD-simulation
framework is, entering it by hand, which is of course a source of
numerous errors. This work proposes a new methodology with the main target to
automate this conversion process to a high extent.
Chapter 2 describes the overall chain of processes, how
integrated circuits are fabricated. An overview with respect to the related
simulator tools is given.
Chapter 3 concentrates on the detailed
simulation methodologies to model the IC (Integrated Circuit) fabrication.
Chapter 4 identifies the interfaces between the
fabrication process and simulation. It outlines the detailed structure of the
interfaces. A comprehensive overview over the interactions in this integrated
system is given as well.
Chapter 5 provides the detailed description of
how this interfaces are implemented.
Chapter 6 demonstrates the strengths of such a
structured and integrated approach with a couple of cases in a real
semiconductor fabrication environment.
Finally, Chapter 7 briefly summarizes
this work with some conclusions and an outlook.
Next: 2. The Processing Chain
Up: Dissertation Rainer Minixhofer
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R. Minixhofer: Integrating Technology Simulation
into the Semiconductor Manufacturing Environment