Next: 2.4.1 Model Module
Up: 2. Solving Optimization Tasks
Previous: 2.3 The VISTA Framework
The SIESTA framework is a newly developed framework based on the
knowledge from the VISTA framework [40].
A detailed description of the features framework can be found in
[56]. Here only a brief overview of the major
functionality needed by the modules, described in the next chapters,
is given.
The framework is divided into several modules the queue manager
(qman), sequencer, model module, persistence module, and curve viewer.
These modules sometimes require other modules, such as the
optimize module described in Section 4.5.3 which
depends on the queue manager (qman), model module and curve viewer. New
applications can be built by the reuse of these basic
modules. Figure 2.1 is a graph showing the dependencies
of the modules.
Figure 2.1:
Graph of the module
dependencies in the SIESTA framework.
The purpose of the modules in the order of their inheritance is listed
- persistence
The persistence module is able to save and reload settings of
subclasses. The settings for the hosts and load-limits etc. are saved
by this module.
- sequencer
The sequencer can find in a complex model built from several
sequential and parallel models, the sequence of evaluations that have
to be processed.
- pif
This module is used for manipulations on PIF2.3 files.
- curve
In the curve module, graphs stored in the curve
format2.4 can be viewed and printed.
- ipd
In the ipd module a description of the IPL can be viewed and
manipulated such that the inheritance of the variables of subclasses
can be easily understood.
- qman
The queue manager distributes the jobs to the available hosts. It
also performs the load balancing for an efficient usage of the
computation resources.
- model
The model module provides functionality for the nesting of several
submodels in a network model.
- mmnt
The mmnt module is a graphical front-end for the MINIMOS-NT
device simulator.
- optimize
The optimize model enables the user to evaluate various
optimization tasks. More details can be found in
Section 4.5.3.
- main
The main module makes all submodules available to the user.
The rigorous object-oriented design of the internal data structures
reduces the required code for the functionality.
The advantage of VLISP2.5 compared to Tcl/Tk [66] is the
object system and large number of sophisticated basis classes for data
manipulation, user interface generation, and handling of asynchronous
- ...PIF2.3
(Profile Interchange Format) [13,15] is a file format for
the storage of the entire design information generated by the process
and device simulation.
- ... format2.4
- The curve format is an ASCII representation of
data points, like current over voltage (I/V) curves from a device
- ...VLISP2.5
- VLISP [25] is an enhanced
version of XLISP [2].
Next: 2.4.1 Model Module
Up: 2. Solving Optimization Tasks
Previous: 2.3 The VISTA Framework
R. Plasun