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C. Statistical Results

This chapter supplies tables obtained from the statistical calculations of the example in Chapter 6. The correlation matrix is given in Table C.1 and the anti-image correlation and covariance matrix are added in Table C.2.

Table C.1: Correlation matrix of the example.
$ {\mit g}_{\mathrm{m}}$ 1 0.312 -0.186 -0.18 0.914 -0.351 0.457 -0.925 0.547 0.214 0.400 0.311 0.142 -0.927
$ {\it V}_{\mathrm{T}}$ 0.312 1 -0.435 0.502 0.481 -0.175 -0.438 -0.35 -0.088 0.565 0.11 -0.711 -0.466 -0.356
$ {\it V}_{\mathrm{bar}}$ -0.186 -0.435 1 -0.318 -0.236 0.106 -0.298 0.105 0.431 -0.571 0.477 0.508 0.854 0.092
$ {\it BV}_{\mathrm{GD}}$ -0.180 0.502 -0.318 1 -0.113 0.277 -0.485 0.044 -0.55 0.143 -0.516 -0.79 -0.613 0.082
C$ _{gs}$ 0.914 0.481 -0.236 -0.113 1 -0.613 0.34 -0.877 0.638 0.337 0.487 0.194 0.02 -0.884
$ {\it f}_\mathrm{T}$ -0.351 -0.175 0.106 0.277 -0.613 1 -0.379 0.216 -0.691 -0.295 -0.5 -0.244 0.062 0.254
$ {\it I}_{\mathrm{D}}$$ _{min}$ 0.457 -0.438 -0.298 -0.485 0.34 -0.379 1 -0.263 0.318 0.1 0.059 0.57 0.028 -0.258
$ {\it R}_{\mathrm{S}}$ -0.925 -0.35 0.105 0.044 -0.877 0.216 -0.263 1 -0.476 -0.184 -0.379 -0.247 -0.191 0.984
$ {\it C}_{\mathrm{gd}}$ 0.547 -0.088 0.431 -0.55 0.638 -0.691 0.318 -0.476 1 -0.136 0.796 0.689 0.589 -0.507
$ n$ 0.214 0.565 -0.571 0.143 0.337 -0.295 0.1 -0.184 -0.136 1 0.090 -0.403 -0.484 -0.178
$ {\it C}_{\mathrm{ds}}$ 0.400 0.11 0.477 -0.516 0.487 -0.5 0.059 -0.379 0.796 0.090 1 0.45 0.649 -0.413
$ {\it I}_{\mathrm{D}}$ 0.311 -0.711 0.508 -0.79 0.194 -0.244 0.57 -0.247 0.689 -0.403 0.45 1 0.738 1 -0.187
$ {\it g}_{\mathrm{ds}}$ 0.142 -0.466 0.854 -0.613 0.02 0.062 0.028 -0.191 0.589 -0.484 0.649 0.738 1 -0.187
$ {\it R}_{\mathrm{D}}$ -0.927 -0.356 0.092 0.032 -0.884 0.254 -0.258 0.984 -0.507 -0.178 -0.413 -0.246 -0.187 1
- $ {\mit g}_{\mathrm{m}}$ $ {\it V}_{\mathrm{T}}$ $ V_{bar}$ $ {\it BV}_{\mathrm{GD}}$ $ {\it C}_{\mathrm{gs}}$ $ {\it f}_\mathrm{T}$ $ {\it I}_{\mathrm{D}}$$ _{min}$ $ {\it R}_{\mathrm{S}}$ $ {\it C}_{\mathrm{gd}}$ $ n$ $ {\it C}_{\mathrm{ds}}$ $ {\it I}_{\mathrm{D}}$ $ {\it g}_{\mathrm{ds}}$ $ {\it R}_{\mathrm{D}}$

Table C.2: Anti-image covariance and correlation matrix of the example.
$ {\mit g}_{\mathrm{m}}$ 1.76e-2 -6.22e-3 -1.39e-2 -1.19e-3 -3.65e-3 -1.45e-2 -1.73e-2 -2.88e-3 4.43e-3 1.94e-2 5.49e-3 -5.47e-3 4.91e-3 5.73e-3
$ {\it V}_{\mathrm{T}}$ -6.21e-3 7.27e-3 6.34e-3 8.78e-3 -2.22e-3 -3.10e-4 1.16e-2 -1.16e-3 -4.04e-3 -2.07e-2 -6.66e-3 7.30e-3 -2.24e-3 -1.66e-3
$ V_{bar}$ -1.39e-2 6.34e-3 3.38e-2 -1.74e-2 2.67e-3 1.54e-2 2.15e-2 -1.02e-4 -6.47e-3 -2.57e-2 4.85e-4 3.83e-3 -2.00e-2 -3.15e-3
$ {\it BV}_{\mathrm{GD}}$ -1.19e-3 8.79e-3 -1.74e-2 8.62e-2 5.60e-4 -3.18e-3 4.04e-3 5.54e-3 -1.88e-2 -4.00e-3 6.01e-3 1.82e-2 1.81e-2 8.16e-3
$ {\it C}_{\mathrm{gs}}$ -3.65e-3 -2.22e-3 2.67e-3 5.60e-4 5.60e-3 1.10e-2 -4.88e-4 5.43e-3 -4.21e-3 6.76e-3 3.26e-3 -1.34e-3 9.95e-4 -5.73e-4
$ {\it f}_\mathrm{T}$ -1.45e-2 -3.10e-4 1.54e-2 -3.18e-3 1.10e-2 3.65e-2 1.05e-2 8.68e-3 3.80e-3 7.32e-3 1.11e-2 9.27e-05 -1.17e-2 -1.38e-3
$ {\it I}_{\mathrm{D}}$$ _{min}$ -1.73e-2 1.16e-2 2.15e-2 4.04e-3 -4.88e-4 1.05e-2 2.78e-2 -6.14e-4 -4.62e-3 -3.81e-2 -9.58e-3 9.12e-3 -8.67e-3 -4.73e-3
$ {\it R}_{\mathrm{S}}$ -2.877e-3 -1.16e-3 -1.02e-4 5.54e-3 5.43e-3 8.68e-3 -6.14e-4 1.18e-2 -5.75e-3 1.27e-2 -4.26e-3 1.88e-4 5.60e-3 -9.76e-3
$ {\it C}_{\mathrm{gd}}$ 4.43e-3 -4.04e-3 -6.47e-3 -1.88e-2 -4.21e-3 3.80e-3 -4.62e-3 -5.75e-3 3.12e-2 3.07e-2 -1.01e-2 -8.43e-3 -3.55e-3 8.77e-4
$ n$ 1.94e-2 -2.07e-2 -2.57e-2 -4.00e-3 6.76e-3 7.32e-3 -3.81e-2 1.27e-2 3.07e-2 2.4e-1 -3.79e-2 -1.92e-2 2.58e-2 -3.18e-3
$ {\it C}_{\mathrm{ds}}$ 5.49e-3 -6.66e-3 4.85e-4 6.01e-3 3.26e-3 1.11e-2 -9.58e-3 -4.26e-3 -1.01e-2 -3.79e-2 7.94e-2 -1.30e-3 -2.17e-2 1.45e-2
$ {\it I}_{\mathrm{D}}$ -5.47e-3 7.30e-3 3.833e-3 1.82e-2 -1.34e-3 9.27e-05 9.12e-3 1.88e-4 -8.43e-3 -1.92e-2 -1.30e-3 9.68e-3 -1.73e-3 -2.56e-4
$ {\it g}_{\mathrm{ds}}$ 4.91e-3 -2.25e-3 -2.00e-2 1.81e-2 9.95e-4 -1.17e-2 -8.67e-3 5.60e-3 -3.55e-3 2.58e-2 -2.17e-2 -1.73e-3 2.59e-2 -2.57e-3
$ {\it R}_{\mathrm{D}}$ 5.73e-3 -1.66e-3 -3.15e-3 8.16e-3 -5.74e-4 -1.38e-3 -4.73e-3 -9.76e-3 8.77e-4 -3.18e-3 1.45e-2 -2.56e-4 -2.57e-3 2.10e-2
$ {\mit g}_{\mathrm{m}}$ 6.24e-1 -5.50e-1 -5.69e-1 -3.05e-2 -3.68e-1 -5.71e-1 -7.84e-1 -2.00e-1 1.89e-1 3.00e-1 1.47e-1 -4.19e-1 2.30e-1 2.98e-1
$ {\it V}_{\mathrm{T}}$ -5.50e-1 4.71e-1 4.05e-1 3.51e-1 -3.48e-1 -1.90e-2 8.17e-1 -1.25e-1 -2.68e-1 -4.98e-1 -2.77e-1 8.70e-1 -1.64e-1 -1.34e-1
$ V_{bar}$ -5.69e-1 4.05e-1 5.33e-1 -3.23e-1 1.94e-1 4.40e-1 7.02e-1 -5.136e-3 -1.99e-1 -2.87e-1 9.358e-3 2.12e-1 -6.77e-1 -1.18e-1
$ {\it BV}_{\mathrm{GD}}$ -3.05e-2 3.51e-1 -3.23e-1 7.00e-1 2.55e-2 -5.67e-2 8.25e-2 1.74e-1 -3.62e-1 -2.80e-2 7.27e-2 6.30e-1 3.83e-1 1.92e-1
$ {\it C}_{\mathrm{gs}}$ -3.68e-1 -3.48e-1 1.94e-1 2.55e-2 7.33e-1 7.06e-1 -3.91e-2 6.69e-1 -3.19e-1 1.86e-1 1.55e-1 -1.82e-1 8.26e-2 -5.29e-2
$ {\it f}_\mathrm{T}$ -5.71e-1 -1.90e-2 4.40e-1 -5.67e-2 7.06e-1 5.36e-1 3.29e-1 4.19e-1 1.13e-1 7.88e-2 2.07e-1 4.93e-3 -3.81e-1 -4.98e-2
$ {\it I}_{\mathrm{D}}$$ _{min}$ -7.84e-1 8.17e-1 7.02e-1 8.25e-2 -3.91e-2 3.29e-1 3.72e-1 -3.39e-2 -1.57e-1 -4.69e-1 -2.04e-1 5.56e-1 -3.23e-1 -1.96e-1
$ {\it R}_{\mathrm{S}}$ -2.00e-1 -1.25e-1 -5.14e-3 1.74e-1 6.69e-1 4.19e-1 -3.39e-2 7.10e-1 -3.00e-1 2.41e-1 -1.39e-1 1.76e-2 3.21e-1 -6.21e-1
$ {\it C}_{\mathrm{gd}}$ 1.89e-1 -2.68e-1 -1.99e-1 -3.62e-1 -3.19e-1 1.13e-1 -1.57e-1 -3.00e-1 8.01e-1 3.58e-1 -2.03e-1 -4.85e-1 -1.25e-1 3.43e-2
n 3.00e-1 -4.98e-1 -2.87e-1 -2.80e-2 1.86e-1 7.88e-2 -4.69e-1 2.41e-1 3.58e-1 5.37e-1 -2.76e-1 -4.01e-1 3.30e-1 -4.51e-2
$ {\it C}_{\mathrm{ds}}$ 1.47e-1 -2.77e-1 9.36e-3 7.27e-2 1.55e-1 2.07e-1 -2.04e-1 -1.39e-1 -2.03e-1 -2.76e-1 7.95e-1 -4.69e-2 -4.79e-1 3.55e-1
$ {\it I}_{\mathrm{D}}$ -4.19e-1 8.70e-1 2.12e-1 6.30e-1 -1.82e-1 4.934e-3 5.56e-1 1.76e-2 -4.85e-1 -4.01e-1 -4.69e-2 6.16e-1 -1.09e-1 -1.80e-2
$ {\it g}_{\mathrm{ds}}$ 2.30e-1 -1.64e-1 -6.77e-1 3.83e-1 8.26e-2 -3.81e-1 -3.23e-1 3.21e-1 -1.25e-1 3.30e-1 -4.79e-1 -1.09e-1 6.76e-1 -1.10e-1
$ {\it R}_{\mathrm{D}}$ 2.98e-1 -1.34e-1 -1.18e-1 1.92e-1 -5.29e-2 -4.98e-2 -1.96e-1 -6.21e-1 3.43e-2 -4.51e-2 3.55e-1 -1.80e-2 -1.10e-1 8.25e-1
- $ {\mit g}_{\mathrm{m}}$ $ {\it V}_{\mathrm{T}}$ $ V_{bar}$ $ {\it BV}_{\mathrm{GD}}$ $ {\it C}_{\mathrm{gs}}$ $ {\it f}_\mathrm{T}$ $ {\it I}_{\mathrm{D}}$$ _{min}$ $ {\it R}_{\mathrm{S}}$ $ {\it C}_{\mathrm{gd}}$ $ n$ $ {\it C}_{\mathrm{ds}}$ $ {\it I}_{\mathrm{D}}$ $ {\it g}_{\mathrm{ds}}$ $ {\it R}_{\mathrm{D}}$

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