5.1 Statistical Analysis of
4.8 Compact Models
5. Statistical Characterization of III-V Processing Technologies
5.1 Statistical Analysis of III-V HEMT Data
5.1.1 Mathematical Background and Application
5.1.2 Factor Extraction
5.1.3 Factor Interpretation
5.1.4 Device Changes and Optimizations
5.1.5 Device Simulation and Process Variations
5.2 Statistical Process Influence
5.2.1 Geometry
5.2.2 Transport Properties
5.2.3 Doping
5.2.4 SiN-Semiconductor and Heterojunction Interfaces
5.2.5 Contacts
5.3 Performance Degradation Mechanisms of a III-V HEMT
5.4 Technologies Under Investigation
5.4.1 Technology A: Pseudomorphic HEMT on GaAs
5.4.2 Technology B: Pseudomorphic high-power HEMT on GaAs
5.4.3 Technology C: Pseudomorphic HEMT on GaAs
5.4.4 Technology D: Pseudomorphic high-power HEMT on GaAs
5.4.5 Technology E: InP Based InAlAs/InGaAs Depletion Type HEMT
5.4.6 Technology F: Metamorphic Depletion Type InAlAs/InGaAs HEMT on GaAs
5.4.7 Technology G: Enhancement Mode metamorphic HEMT on GaAs
5.4.8 Technology H: AlGaN/GaN HEMTs