, | sticking coefficients |
forward difference in direction | |
backward difference in direction | |
forward difference in direction | |
backward difference in direction | |
forward difference in direction | |
backward difference in direction | |
neutral flux on the surface | |
inhibitor flux on the surface | |
ion flux on the surface | |
clean sticking coefficient for neutral | |
clean sticking coefficient for inhibitor | |
speed function | |
extended speed function | |
grid values of the speed function | |
total flux after reflection | |
vector of fluxes from reflections | |
vector of fluxes from th reflection | |
vector of fluxes coming from the sources | |
vector of fluxes sticked at the th bounce | |
electron current density | |
hole current density | |
radiosity matrix | |
grid values of the level set function at time | |
electric potential | |
level set function | |
temporary signed distance function | |
etching rate | |
surface coverage for neutral | |
surface coverage for inhibitor | |
etching yield | |
Alles wissen nur alle, aber alle sind noch nicht geboren.