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Figure 4.5: Schematic figure for the selection of collision partners for simultaneous collisions in crystalline materials.
\psfrag{Direction of motion}{\LARGE Direction of mo...

Figure 4.6: Schematic figure for the selection of collision partners in crystalline materials.

In crystalline materials the cores of the target are placed around crystal lattice positions. The collision partner is determined by looking for a lattice position in the direction of motion, considering the following criteria [35]:

As a result of this procedure more than one collision partner can be selected and therefore several nuclear collision events sometimes have to be calculated simultaneously, while each of these collisions is treated as a binary collision event. Simultaneous collisions are not an approximation to a multi-particle interaction, but are used to avoid the skipping of collision events, especially if an ion moves along the center of a crystalline channel, where at least two lattice sites can be characterized approximately by the same criteria in the selection procedure mentioned above. Without multiple collisions the above selection criteria could result in skipping one of these potential collision partners. The free flight path for a simultaneous collision is the largest free flight path to one of the accepted collision partners.


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The minimum scattering angle can be set by the command-line parameter minScatteringAngle
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A. Hoessiger: Simulation of Ion Implantation for ULSI Technology